A young Palestinian man celebrates a viral video released from an Israeli prison


NABI SALEH, West Bank – Protagonist of a viral video in which an Israeli soldier kills and kills an Israeli soldier, young Palestinian Ahed Tamimi, 17, left Sunday prison to continue resisting the killing. Israeli occupation of the West Bank. Tamimi spent eight months in detention last December and was broadcast live on Facebook by his mother, in what Israel describes as an incident.

– Resistance continues until the end of the occupation – said the young woman on her way to Nabi Saleh village in the West Bank, accompanied by the mother after her release. – All the prisoners in the prison are very strong, and I thank all those who supported me while I was in jail.

Tamimi then went to the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority, where she met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The head of the Palestinian Authority hailed the young woman as "a model of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, independence and the establishment of our Palestinian state," the agency said. Wafa press release

. and gave contradictory information about where they would enter with the young woman in the West Bank.

The young woman was arrested on December 19, 2017, a few days after recording a video in which she appears He beat two Israeli soldiers and he viraliser. In the pictures, she and her cousin Nour Tamimi are seen approaching two Israeli soldiers who were in the backyard of her house in Nabi Saleh. The two teenagers push them to leave and then beat them. Ahed Tamimi was 16 when she was arrested.

On March 21, she was sentenced to eight months in prison. His cousin was released in March. The young woman, whose family is known for her activism against the Israeli occupation, has already been involved in several other incidents with soldiers.

While many Palestinians consider Ahed Tamimi as an example of courage against Israeli abuses in the occupied territories, many Israelis

The trial of the teenager in a military court has been the subject from a wide media coverage. Tamimi's sentence is almost as important as that of Israeli soldier Elor Azaria, who was sentenced to nine months for executing a harmless Palestinian on the ground.

– A small terrorist can not be turned into a heroine, but that's what they do, "said Oren Haza, a Likud MP (right), the party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

– This is very dangerous … Most Israelis will say that they would like to see it,

For human rights defenders, the Tamimi case highlighted the practices of Israeli military courts, with Palestinian conviction rates of up to 99% As the West Bank is a territory occupied militarily by Israel, Palestinians living there are tried by military courts. [19659002] – Hundreds of Palestinian children are behind bars and receive no attention, Human Rights Watch director in Israel Omar Shakir said, denouncing the "endemic abuse" of minors


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