Abrantes | Alleged fire in Mouriscas in pretrial detention


Fire in Mouriscas Photo: Miguel Neto

An inhabitant of Mouriscas is accused of setting fire to a forest fire that occurred Monday afternoon in the parish of Mouriscas, in the municipality of Abrantes.

A citizen of Mouriscas, Abrantes, who was accused of committing a forest fire crime, was subjected to a first judicial interrogation in the afternoon of Tuesday 3 (19659004). defendant, who is in custody, will set a forest fire on fire in the afternoon of July 2, 2018, in this area, and that he mobilized a helicopter Eight vehicles and thirty- seven elements of the firefighters of Abrantes and Sardoal

The Public Prosecutor alleged that there were dangers of continuing criminal activities and that public order and tranquility, besides the term d & # 39; # 39; identity and residence, were applied

The investigation will continue to be conducted by the Judicial Police Council of Leiria, under the direction of the 2nd Section of the Judicial Police. Slide of Santarém

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