Accused of more crimes, Harvey Weinstein released on bail


US producer Harvey Weinstein was released on bail in New York on Monday accused of additional sex crimes, and the lawyer believes more charges are expected. The 66-year-old producer appeared in the New York court, where he pleaded not guilty to new charges of serious sexual crimes. "We are fighting these battles one day at a time, and today we have won this fight," said lawyer Ben. "We fight these battles one day at a time, and today we win this fight," said lawyer Ben. Brafman leaving the court, regarding the release of the producer on bail, although he admits that new charges may arise. Cited by the Associated Press, District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., Harvey Weinstein is charged with "some of the most serious sex crimes" under New York State law and in some cases, sentenced to life imprisonment. The charges relate to cases in 2004, 2006 and 2013.

The US producer has surrendered on May 25 to New York authorities as part of a judicial investigation into sexual assault and abuse . released with an electronic bracelet, after paying a bond of 1 million dollars (864 000 euros).

Last week, he was formally charged with a third woman, totaling six counts
. The first public allegations against Harvey Weinstein came last October. with more than a hundred women testifying that the Hollywood producer had sexually abused them.

The scandal triggered the #TimeUp campaign, which led to the downfall of hundreds of men in power spots in many areas, and to the #metoo movement, with d & # 39; other women reporting having been sexually abused. After the first denunciations, Harvey Weinstein was removed from the American company Weinstein Company, which he co-founded, and banned from various associations, notably the United States Academy of Film, which awards the Oscars

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