After a violent weekend, international forums examine the crisis in Nicaragua – International


After a violent weekend that left 12 dead in Nicaragua, the international community started to debate on Monday the situation in the country and the repression of the demonstrations which for three months require the departure of the power of the president During this Time, hundreds of students marched Monday in the capital to seek justice for 280 people killed by government forces.

"The government has imposed a policy of terror, but we will go to the end Ortega can not continue to govern," said Axel Mungua, a 20-year-old student, at a demonstration in Mangua. "The fight in the streets, we will not return to the courts as this terrorist, genocidal man will continue in power," said Juliana Mungua, a student in psychology.

On Saturday, 200 students were able to leave a 20-hour siege at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) in Mangua, and a nearby temple in one that caused two deaths: Gerald and Francisco

" They will always be in our hearts, "said the students at the protest that ended at the dreaded front of El Chipote Prison, where they demanded the release of young people illegally detained in the marches [19659005]. Masaya (south) and neighboring communities to remove roadblocks protesters against the government, an operation that has killed 10 people, according to the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH).

Vice President and First Lady Rosario Murillo said Monday that the government is working to liberate the territory from roadblocks and "restore peace."

He stressed that the protests respond to "a terrorist plot and putschist accompanied by an infamous and false national and international media campaign. This coup, that I wanted to impose on a hateful minority, this sinister and malignant minority, but that they did not and could not realize. "

Initially, the demands were against a reform of the pension system, which the government has left ineffective, but

The opposition accuses it of instituting a dictatorship and asks to anticipate for maro the presidential elections of 2021.


– International Agenda –

Born in violence and without a single point of view, the Nicaraguan crisis will be discussed in the footsteps of the Nicaraguan people. Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which began Monday in Brussels.

Monday, France condemned ex attacks (19659002) The US Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Carlos Trujillo, in turn, advanced the work of the United States. America, that the Nicaraguan question would come back this week at the continental frum agenda.

"The violent repression of the government with the use of Sandinista crowds is unacceptable.The United States will be responsible for human rights violations," Trujillo commented on Twitter

while the Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado said the Nicaraguan crisis was present in his talks with the UN Secretary-General. , Antnio Guterres, with whom to meet on Monday in San Jos

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