U A study by the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Ceará stresses that the use of agrochemicals causes malnutrition, congenital formation and precocious puberty in a village of 2500 inhabitants to inside Chapada do Apodi. This is an area where overflight of planes is constantly being squeezed out and the tractors are being sprayed.
The locality is a fruit producer for export. In the institution, early puberty was diagnosed in a girl under two years of age after clinical evaluation and further examinations.
"We are very concerned about these studies because most of these substances are an association of multiple chemical agents and agents. "says gynecologist Renato Augusto Moreira de Sá, president of the National Committee Specialized in Fetal Medicine of Febrasgo (Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations)
19659004] For him, the problem of girls may be related to other factors, because in the first years of life there may be a hormonal stimulus able to increase the breasts, with regression later, unrelated to any health problem: the presence of pesticides in the Water and food, this is not enough, concerns the presence of pesticides in the blood and urine.Now, to be sure that it was the cause of the health problem is not possible, with the data available. "
The doctor also comments that" in doubt, pregnancy whose fetus is with the organs in formation should avoid any type because these products may have an action we do not know Today, Barker 's theory says that most adult diseases start in the womb. "
Renato Augusto finds it unwise to take the risk that pregnant women will keep in touch with these products." This is a warning because these people have blood in a period in which the organs are formed and this can have consequences, but establishing causes and effects is very difficult. "
Early Puberty
Claudia Barbosa Salomão, Member of the National Commission Specializing in Gynecology Infanto" These are substances found in the environment that are not produced by the human body, but which can have a significant influence, in most cases negative, on the normal functioning of the human body. They interrupt, compromise the normal hormonal chain. "
According to her, these substances can interfere with cellular production, secretion and receptivity by altering the normal endocrine chain." It is essential to clarify that body injuries can occur in both sexes. And to emphasize the fact that children are the group of people most affected by this type of product, because they breathe faster and, when they are inhaled with increased frequency, they strongly influence the system endocrine. In fact, the metabolism of the child is particularly accelerated and will therefore have greater absorption of these products, "he warns
Clinical Impacts on the Human Body
Claudia Barbosa confirms that pesticides can cause premature puberty. It is possible that these, too used in the region, are the cause of the images. The incidence of problems in the region is higher than the global prevalence of precocious puberty.
In humans, studies report the influence of endocrine disruptors especially on fertility: "We know that if it is exposed, there may be a decrease in the production of spermatozoa and even male sex hormones. "
When precocious puberty is detected, the specialist says that the ideal is to remove the child from the aggressive agent." Once triggered , in addition to moving away from the aggressor substance, we must block this precocious puberty with hormones "
Finally, she emphasizes that clinical observation is fundamental." We must be sure that this agent is the cause of the problem.Investigations are needed to see if there is no other factor.From the absence of other causes, we assume that the pesticide is the because of the problem. "