Aldermen shocked with "lasciva" dance in the church of Leiria


The controversy with a dance performance performed at the church of Misericórdia reached the city hall of Leiria. At this week's meeting, PSD advisers Fernando Costa and Álvaro Madureira spoke in an "improper" and "lascivious" show and questioned the executive about the use of this space donated by the diocese from Leiria in 2014 for cultural purposes, to be a sacred place. The show was held last April under the metadata of 2018.

"The young people acted in less appropriate clothes for the place," said councilor Álvaro Madureira, when he questioned the majority of the PS in the House. It is a secular place, but it still has the symbols of a religion and it's shocking to see young people in less appropriate attire, above the altar, in positions that hinder the context and the space. "The reactions were very negative and we regret that this space is used for this type of program."

Fernando Costa, also advisor to the PSD, adds that "the Church of Mercy is not a public and secular space" and "can not be used for purposes considered against the principles of morality and Christian Ethics "

" No intention to shock "

Gonçalo Lopes, Vice" The show is now the subject of such criticism, I respect the criticism, how to respect the l? artist, and could never I and the House, anticipate them. "And he concluded: " There was an ideological clash here, of course, what respect, because it bothers and shocks people but the process has been clarified with all parties involved and I consider the case closed. "

The Metadata Cultural Association disagrees with the criticism: "There was no intention to shock any kind of religion", and the show "No" never wanted to generate this controversy around religiosity ". The author of the artistic residencies of the festival, Francisco Pedro, in statements to the region of Leiria, considered that "there were misinterpretations" about the show and that there was no reason to criticize

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