American killer generates a revolt while posting photo next to the dead giraffe


The images are from June 2017, but they viralize after the South African blog Post Africalia Post shared the images on social networks

The giraffe has been recognized as an endangered animal in 2016 (Twitter / Reproduction)

Johannesburg – Hundreds of people have been outraged in social networks after the publication of photographs of the giraffe. an American woman posing next to a rifle and a black giraffe that had just been hunted in a park in South Africa

"A peaceful and docile animal that did not not hurt, and he's killing you for what? why pride? as a prize? "what dirty dirt American junk is this woman!" or "do not deserve to be considered a human being" are some of the messages shared over the last few days on Twitter, addressed to Tess Thompson Talley, the woman who lives in Kentucky and who killed the animal.

"Prayers because my dream of hunting single in life has been accomplished today. I spotted this unusual black male giraffe and I used it for a good time, "said the hunter when she posted the photos on her personal Facebook account.

" I knew that He was good. I was over 18, 4,000 pounds, and I was fortunate enough to receive 2,000 pounds (900 kilograms) of his flesh. "

The hunting trip took place in June 2017, but the images of The American woman next to the giraffe became viral in recent days after the South African blog Post Africague Post shared them on the social network

"A wild white American who is practically a Neanderthal arrives in Africa and fires at a very rare black giraffe. , thanks to the courtesy of South African stupidity. He calls Tess Thompson Talley. Please share, "wrote the Africland Post in a tweet that was shared more than 45,000 times.

Sports Hunting, which attracts people from around the world to transform wild animals in trophies, is legal in South Africa and brings back to the country 's economy a lot of money.

Beyond South Africa, there are other countries In Zimbabwe, there were also major controversies over this practice, such as when a dentist killed Cecil, the country's most famous lion in 2015.

The giraffe, the world's largest mammal, was recognized as an endangered animal in 2016 (IUCN).

According to IUCN data, the species of this animal, which lives in South Africa and East , went from 155,000 in 1985 to 97,562 in 1985. (db.getElementById (id)) {var js = d.createElement ("script"), ref = d.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; js .id = id, js. async = true, js.src = "https: / / / en_br /all.js", ref.parentNode.insertBefore (js, ref)}} (document) [ad_2]
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