Amnesty releases teenagers and calls back hundreds of minors arrested in Israel


Ahed Tamimi was released today, 21 days before serving an eight-month prison term imposed by an Israeli court for striking two Israeli soldiers in the occupied Palestinian territory in the West Bank. Tamimi's case serves as a warning about Israel's "continuing violation of the human rights of Palestinian children".

The director of the organization in Jerusalem, Saleh Higazi, said that the joy of his release "will be tarnished" for the injustice of his imprisonment, and the sadness of knowing that a lot of "d & # 39; Other Palestinian children languish in Israeli jails, although many of them have not committed any recognizable crimes. "

For Israel, it" uses arbitrary military tribunals to punish those who defy the occupation and the illegal expansionist policy, regardless of their age. "

Ahed Tamimi was arrested on December 19, some days after he was filmed assaulting two soldiers in a video that went viral on the Internet.

The images showed the # 39, teenager and a cousin, Nour Tamimi, approaching two Israeli soldiers leaning against a wall of the girls' home court in Nabi Saleh, a village in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel for more than 50 years.

The two girls demanded that the soldiers leave the area and kick, punch and slap them.

Ahed Tamimi was 16 years old when she was detained March 21, she was sentenced to eight months in prison after being convicted.

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