An accused policeman is shot dead in France – International


The French policeman who killed a young man in Nantes, causing a wave of unrest, was charged Friday (6) with involuntary death, after changing his verse of the facts.

Late Tuesday night Aboubakar F., aged 22, who was held during a police blitz, caused a wave of unrest in Nantes, in western France, and in Garges -ls-Gonesse, a Parisian suburb from where he is from. [19659002Protesterswhospokeof"policemisconduct"burneddowntensofvehiclesanddemolishedmorethanonebuildingandbusinessforfourconsecutiveincidentsofviolence

On Saturday morning (local time), at 1 am, seven vehicles were set on fire in the city and on the periphery. Security forces were attacked with Molotov coketis, responded with tear gas bombs. A social housing building has been declared a fire principle.

The police officer, who was released on probation for Thursday, "admitted to making a statement that does not correspond to the truth," said his lawyer, Laurent-Franck Lienard, to AFP.

After saying that he had acted in self-defense on Friday, "he stressed that it was an accidental shot," Lienard added.

After his statement, the judge "accuses him of intentional injury that caused the death involuntarily," said AFP lawyer.

According to a close source of investigation, the officer had first stated that He opened fire when the young man tried to walk "at high speed", endangering life from an agent behind the vehicle.

According to another source, his colleagues had confirmed this verse, and added that there were children

But this line, which has not been confirmed by the Nantes prosecutor Pierre Senns, did not correspond to the testimony of several people interviewed by AFP journalists. According to a woman who filmed the scene and spoke under cover of anonymity, "there were no agents behind the car."

– Authorities promise "transparency" –

Aboubakar F. had a current arrest warrant for theft. His death caused three nights of unrest in three sensitive neighborhoods in Nantes. Four people were arrested on Thursday night, including a 14-year-old barrel of fuel and wicks, police sources said.

Fifty-two vehicles were burned Thursday night in Nantes, including

Young people living in these areas often denounce the hard line and police brutality, while the forasties

In an effort to calm the times , Prime Minister Edouard Philippe went Thursday to Nantes and promised "transparency" in the investigation of the death of the young man

. a thousand people marched to Nantes to claim "justice for Abu" and demand that they clarify the circumstances of his death.

The authorities want to avoid at all costs that the unrest spreads,

Last year, the alleged rape of a young black man with a stick in a suburb of Paris also provoked clashes with the police.

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