Angolan cholera outbreak under control, but authorities reinforce surveillance measures – Observer


The cholera outbreak that faces the province of Luanda, with five deaths of at least 20 cases, is under control, Angolan health authorities said Friday, but called for strengthening measures epidemiological surveillance. The Luanda Provincial Commission for the Control and Prevention of Cholera and Malaria met Friday after assessing the disease situation and the emergency plan, which includes mechanisms for action. to prevent outbreaks of the disease in the Angolan capital

The Committee, whereas the activity of unloading, buying and selling fish in the market of Mabunda and environs, located in the district of Samba, "is not always developed under the best hygienic conditions" of multisectoral work, in order to be able to study the situation and take corrective measures to avoid local diseases. 05]

This same group is expected to extend its reach to other markets and neighborhoods considered to be major producers of solid waste and with low levels of environmental remediation, such as Catinton.

In addition, the commission recorded concern over the abusive sale of baiacue, warning the entire population to refrain from buying and consuming it, as studies show that the product contains a highly toxic and is contraindicated for human consumption.

In addition, the commission also guided and intensified public awareness campaigns aimed at modifying behaviors related to personal and collective hygiene, the treatment of water for food and food, while appealing to churches, associations, social partners and other entities.

To hospitals and health centers of Luanda, prepared for the initial treatment of suspected cases, that is to say, to receive the patient, stabilize it and then refer them to reference units, namely General Hospital Luanda, Ana Paula Hospital in Viana, and Dr.

The outbreak of cholera erupted in the district of Dangereux, in the municipality of Talatona, in the suburbs of Luanda, and has caused five deaths since June 23, as Lusa found in this region. On June 23, the outbreak of the disease has already led to the exponential increase in cases of acute diarrhea by at least 20, accompanied by vomiting, bringing to five the number of deaths, including three of One family, all in the district of Dangereux [19659010] Continue reading

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