Angolan PR calls for cooperation between Europe and Africa to solve migratory crisis – Observer


Angolan President João Lourenço on Wednesday argued that Europe and Africa should seek durable solutions to the migration crisis, while guaranteeing the development of the African continent. and will not be found with one country in isolation. I do not speak of Angola in particular, but of the continent in general, since immigrants do not come from one country, they come from various countries of the continent. "

S addressing reporters, after speaking in the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, the Angolan head of state said that the two countries, Africa and Europe, had to find durable solutions, argued that the solutions of "ephemeral duration" should not be sought. "We must think seriously about sustainable solutions that guarantee the development of the continent, the creation of jobs , wealth and stability, and this can only be done in a multilateral setting and with the awareness that it is a solution that will not disappear after two, three years, takes more time. "

João Lourenço also said that all Africans are ashamed of" what is happening right now. "" No leader wants to see his children leave the country, especially in the inhuman conditions in which the process unfolds. There have always been immigrations in the world, but in these conditions, with the loss of human lives during the crossing, it is clear that no one wants the children of their homeland and their continent to suffer such a great deprivation ", he acknowledged. The President of Angola was available to address the issue of migration first in the institutions of the continent itself, namely in the regional organizations of which Angola is a member, and in the African Union. Angola currently chairs the Southern African Development Community (SADC) 's political, defense and security cooperation body

. "The investments we would like to see in Africa are mainly those that create jobs, not to mention the infrastructure that ensures that other investments can be made, essentially transportation, energy and energy. But cooperation with other continents is to help us create the capacity to transform our basic products and industrialize our countries, because only then will we be able to find sustainable employment and thus contribute to the fight against immigration ".

João Lourenço became the first Angolan head of state to speak in Parliament Wednesday

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