The information consists of an authorization, by a presidential decree of July 10 and that to which Lusa had access, for the opening of an additional credit in the General Budget of the. State of this year for "support expenses" related to
This decision follows the opening of a public tender call, by prior qualification, launched in June by the Ministry of the & # 39; 39, Industry, for the acquisition of school supplies, amounting to 64 778 million euros.
According to data from the Ministry of Industry, only in this school year, which ended in December, Angola needed a stock of 40 million free school textbooks distribution , of the national production
General Education in Angola currently has about 10 million students. a sum of 89.5 million kwanzas (300 thousand euros) and for textbooks more 149.9 million kwanzas (500 thousand euros).
The Angolan government extended compulsory schooling in 2016, until the 9th year, according to the new law of the bases of the education system. According to the document, education in Angola is split between preschool education levels (from three months to five years old), primary education (from first to sixth grade), and education. secondary education (7 (up to 6 years in undergraduate degrees and 3 years in undergraduate degrees.)
Article 12 of the new law states that compulsory education begins to cover the introductory class (last level pre-school education), primary and secondary education, including the latter from the 7th to the 9th grade. [19659002] The previous legal regime of 2001 provided for compulsory education only in primary (six years of schooling), during this time extended to the preschool and lower secondary education classes. , but the gratuity will be progressive.
The system of teaching and free teaching results in: Article 11, in "exemption from any payment for registration, attendance at courses, (19659012) (function (d, s, id This is the case of school meals and social support, among which school meals, for all individuals who attend primary education in public institutions and teaching.
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