Attacks in southern Syria kill more than 150 people – Observer


The death toll in the city of Soueida in southern Syria, where several suicide bombers exploded Wednesday, rose to 156, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights announced. The attack, claimed by the Islamic State (IS), is the deadliest since the beginning of the Syrian conflict.

The serial attack involved at least four bombers with explosive belts that exploded in various parts of the city, particularly near a market, at dawn. Explosions have also occurred in villages north and west of Soueida. Of the 156 people killed, 62 were civilians and 94 were fighters loyal to President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

#BREAKING More than 150 dead in ISE attacks against Sweida's Syria, monitor says

– According to the Observatory Syrian, there are still dozens wounded, and jihadists may have still removed residents of populations near the desert areas under their control in the province of Soueida (AFP) [25 juillet 2018]


The attack was claimed by the IE, which announced that the "Caliphate soldiers" attacked positions of the government site and security posts in the city of Soueida and exploded their explosive belts

Violent clashes between the Damascus forces and the jihadists north of Soueida, where Syrian troops and their allies were able to advance against their enemies who, in recent hours, have been entered settlements like Al-Matuna, Duma, Al-Sh ibki, Al-Shuraihi and Taima.

The official Syrian news agency Sana did not detail the number of dead or wounded, but ensured that the army units repel the attacks The insurance -emploi in these places

Article updated at 16:44

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