Autarca de Silves and the Secretary of State inaugurate the headquarters of the project "O Bairro é meu"


The headquarters of the project "The neighborhood is mine" will be inaugurated on July 30 at 11:25.

According to a note from the municipality, sent to the media, the Mayor of Silves, Rosa Palma, and the Secretary of State and Interior Administration, Isabel Oneto, will attend this inauguration.

The program of this event begins at 10:15 am with reception to the Assistant Secretary of State and Internal Administration, at the entrance of D. Sancho I district (Barrio Caixa d'Água), followed by 39; a presentation of the mural "Juntos" by the plastic artist who performed it, Bamby. At 10:35 a brief visit will be made to the neighborhood and the public presentation of the project "O Bairro é Meu" and finally, at 11:25, will begin the opening session of the project "O Bairro é Meu".

At the end of the ceremonies, there will be several moments of sporting and cultural conviviality, with the presence of the partner institutions of the project

The municipality of Silves is one of the institutions that is part of. a consortium that implements this initiative – "O Bairro é Meu", designed to support the integration and enhancement of the neighborhood Caixa D'Água and the local ambulatory support), both located in the city ​​of Silves. This consortium applied for the Escolhas program, promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and integrated into the Office of the High Commissioner for Migration – ACM, IP.

The Caixa D'Água district began in the 1970s to accommodate the Portuguese from the former colonies, and gradually it became a social district that housed families with lower economic resources, therefore, with fewer opportunities to live. 39; acquisition or rental of housing. These dwellings belonged to IGAPHE until 2003, the date of the patrimonial transfer to the municipality of Silves

In turn, the district SAAL de Silves, also called Bairro do Progresso, results from the housing support program, created after April 25, 1974. The neighborhood was only built on in 2011, when residents became homeowners that they had built and paid for. In fact, it was only in 2005 that the municipality satisfied the legal conditions (expropriation, registration, operation of the subdivision and constitution of the horizontal property) in order to regularize the whole neighborhood.

This brand of "social neighborhoods" has promoted among its inhabitants an image of a certain marginalization, which we want to reverse with the implementation of this project. Promoting the educational success of the children and young people who live there and the civic participation and responsibility of the community is one of the goals to be promoted, thus seeking the empowerment of all, by making agents of change of their own empowerment process

The project, which is starting now, aims to improve the space and people, with the introduction of various innovations, such as the remodeling of the sports complex, the creation of a playground and a training area, sporting events and the promotion of courses that allow integration into the job market, always working to promote the fight against violence. school failure, the fight against the exclusion of information, access to employment and the development of skills and knowledge. social and professional integration.

• Brotherhood of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Silves – management entity.

• Municipality of Silves / Municipality of Silves –

• Parish of Our Lady of the Conception of Silves

• Silves Child and Youth Protection Commission

• Institute of Employment and Vocational Training – Silves Training Center

• Religious Institute of the Sacred Heart of Mary – Silves

[Centre de santé silencieux]

• Delegation of the Red Cross to Silves,

• Silves Football Club,

• Association of Silves' Retired and Retired Persons,

• Enxerim Sports and Cultural Group


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