Autarch of Estremoz advances with criminal complaints against elected officials and leaders of the PS


The criminal complaints, on behalf of the president and the deputy mayor of the municipality, Francisco Ramos, are related to an alleged anonymous complaint about the use of municipal vehicles that has given rise to lawsuits by the public prosecutor. ] The mayor of Estremoz, in the district of Évora, has been accused of committing five embezzlements for using a municipal car to travel to five football matches in Benfica, according to the report. Lusa press agency.

Today, in a statement sent to Lusa, the mayor of Estremoz indicated that the judicial proceedings contain "a set of accounting documents of the municipality" that were handed in May 2015 to two deputies PS municipalities

In this sense, he said, will be presented "a crime against the said municipal deputies, as the main suspects of the material paternity of the anonymous complaint, based on the practice of the crimes of defamation and denunciation slanderous, as well as by misuse of administrative documents of the municipality.

Eight other elected members of the PS at the Municipal Assembly, who requested the documents, will also be the target of a criminal complaint, said the mayor, noting that the documents were filed at the headquarters of the PS Estremoz

A criminal complaint will also be filed against the then presidents of the municipality of PS, José Domingos Ra malho, and the general assembly of the organ, José Daniel

"Those who, in a cowardly and infamous manner, seek to denigrate the image of others by slander, the lying and defamation, protecting himself behind a pseudo-anonymity, will have to be held personally responsible for this criminal conduct, in the interest of justice and the strengthening of democratic values. "

Con who was accused by Lusa, the current president of the municipality of Estremoz of the PS, José Daniel Sádio, one of the victims of the crime, said that the Socialists" only are not surprised, but they lament "the position of the president of the municipality

the usual Luís Mourinha whenever he is accused by the justice of the fires against all and against all. prosecuted counselors, institutions, local elected officials and associations, and usually have no modesty to pursue because [os processos] are paid with the taxpayer's money. "

José Daniel Sádio said that it was strange that the president of the municipality made public the alleged anonymous complaint and feels slandered, accusing the mayor of "throwing himself in the public square a series of insinuations against the people and the institutions. "

The use of municipal vehicles, according to the Socialist leader "was discussed even in a municipal assembly, in which each assembly was pronounced on the various documents that were presented and consulted."

Regarding the accused Luís Mourinha, the head of the PS municipality and the opposition advisor. The municipality declined to comment on the case, noting that "the justice will try to function in a timely manner."

Mourinha insisted on communicating whose trips to the Stadium of Light "were carried out as President of the House of Estremoz" and that "it was in this quality that the invitations of Caixa Geral de Depósitos" were addressed to him by a director of the bank deceased

Independent by Estremoz (MIETZ), Luís Mourinha occupies his third and last consecutive term to the presidency of the House of Estremoz

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