Azeredo Lopes will visit parliament on Tuesday. Tancos will be "inevitable"


Azeredo Lopes will visit the Parliamentary Defense Committee next Tuesday and the latest developments in the Tancos affair will jump to the table. The subject of the audience is the NATO summit, but a parliamentary source told Expresso that it is "inevitable to talk about Tancos".

The meeting will be held in camera, not at the request of the Minister of National Defense. E Azeredo Lopes should not be available to talk to reporters while he awaits the results of the investigation at the public prosecutor's office

Marco António Costa, chairman of the Defense Commission, said Saturday at Expresso the confirmation that contrary to what was said by the army and the Ministry of Defense, there are still explosives and stolen grenades in Tancos, there is a "very serious" situation and all of this. will require a thorough investigation. "

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa reacted quickly to the title of the Expresso and placed on the official website of the presidency a note reaffirming "in an even more incisive and uneasy manner, the request for full clarification of what happened with the arms at Tancos "

In an indirect reference to the war between the Judicial Police and the Military Judicial Police, that the news of the Expresso informally illustrate the PJM", adds the President of the Republic, "it is certain that the behavior of police entities in charge of the criminal investigation, under the direction of the public prosecutor, could compromise the results of this investigation. That is, the determination of the facts and the consequent liability possible. "

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