The Azores Civil Protection has a new emergency service. This is the video interpreter Serviin, intended for the community
The Serviin is a video-interpretation service in Portuguese Sign Language that allows deaf persons and listeners to be put in communication, according to a note from Gacs, which also explains that this communication is carried out by a interpreter in sign language. gesture with the deaf and the oral with the listener, serving as an intermediary between the two.
The Regional Service of Civil Protection and Firemen of the Azores
now provides this service to the deaf community
of the Azores, via the number 12472 or via Skype – Serviin-Interpreter
In introducing this new emergency service, Rui Luís, regional secretary of health responsible for the portfolio of civil protection, said that "we will have a permanent interpreter available, that is, by this service, anyone who is deaf and who knows that Portuguese Sign Language can access the service and communicate with the Civil Protection Center and the fire brigade. "
Rui Luís also stated that all emergency vehicles are equipped de
The Regional Secretary emphasized the continuing commitment of the Azores Government in this area, highlighting the emergency system for the hearing impaired and speech, an emergency service for the deaf citizen for communication by SMS, launched a year ago.
"This was the first solution we made available and it took 34 people to join the system, of which there were two calls that we feel are relevant because these are emergency situations that warrant the only project. "
The main objective of the new emergency service supported in the a video interpreter is to allow to override the obstacle of the accessibility of the deaf community to emergency services, such as civil protection.
As part of this new support service, the Regional Civil Protection and Fire Department of the Azores, Techniques of communication with the deaf person in emergency situations, as part of the course. ambulance, as of September
It is estimated that there are approximately 1,050 disabled or hard-of-hearing people in the Azores, of whom about 560 are profoundly deaf
Interested parties may obtain more information at: www.prociv .azores.gov.pt /srpcba.
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