Gleisi Hoffmann
In addition to positioning himself publicly, PT's national president, Senator Gleisi Hoffmann, called for the state's executive to participate in Senator Lídice's da Mata (PSB) on the governor's plate. Rui Costa for reelection. However, despite internal discussions, his wish was not respected. In the end, the president of the Legislative Assembly of Bahia (AL-BA), Angelo Coronel (PSD), was eventually elected. In an interview with Bahia News, Gleisi spoke on the subject. "We did the discussion, I positioned myself, obviously I listened to the part here, the positions of the government, it's a fact already solved Let's go ahead, let's do the race election, "he said. During the course of the conversation, the senator also reaffirmed, as usual, the candidacy of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to the presidency of the Republic, even if it was unlikely. Criticized the war of injunctions around the release of the PT, said that there is a collusion of the judiciary against and said that Lula even packed his bags to get out of jail. But if you do not know how to do that, then you should know that there is a way to do it.
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