Former US President Barack Obama said Friday that he was "sure" that the United States would return to the Paris Agreement and that "more and more countries will take goals daring in the future "in the fight against climate change change. Obama, who spoke at the summit on climate change in Porto today to discuss climate change, recalled that his administration had shown that it was possible to "create jobs and promote Economy while investing in clean energy ". [19659002"Pourpoursuivreceprogrammenousdevronsnousassocieràd'autrespays"didildéclaréPourle44èmeprésidentdesEtats-Unisd'Amériquequiafaitdelaluttecontrelechangementclimatiqueuneprioritépoursesmandatsentre2009et2017"peuimportecequiestfaitmaintenantlatempératurevamêmeaugmenterpendantunmoment""
" Even if the most restrictive rules are implemented, emissions already achieved imply that the temperature will continue to increase for a while, "he said, estimating that it" would be important for companies to share a given the problem of climate change, Obama said that "most of the time, there are answers to solve them "and that the difficulty of their implementation has led to losses or additional expenses. "
it goes through the" institutions "and the way things are organized." We need to encourage citizens to put pressure on their governments … things have to be solved at the grassroots level, "he said. stressed, noting that "sometimes leaders forget that power comes from people and can not impose a
Barack Obama even stated that" the only way things change is that people accept that the change is necessary. "
Asked about the future of the Paris Agreement, he regretted that his successor had a different position on climate change, but said that he thought that it was Future, the United States will align again with science. "The bad news is that my successor did not agree with me … The good news is that other efforts have emerged in the economy and companies have realized the benefits to invest in clean energy. "
In a speech After signing the Paris Agreement in December 2015, Obama argued that "no nation can solve this problem by itself" and that it would be "the best chance to save the only planet we have. "This agreement sends a strong message that the world is fully engaged in a low-carbon future and that it has the potential to promote investment and innovation in clean energy," was he declared in the United States.
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