Block seeks "key commitments" but does not want Europe


The question of the minimum wage pensions and utilities gave the motto to the first intervention of the left bloc, by the voice of Catarina Martins, in the debate on the state of the nation in Parliament . The leader of the bloc wanted to convey the message that, with the support of his party and not facing Europe, unlike the previous government, it was possible to obtain, for example, an increase in the minimum wage.

Catarina Martins interview with Augusto Santos Silva, at the newspaper Público and Renascença, where the minister said that the next agreement with the left parties should include European issues.

The bloc contradicted the statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to say that "The Portuguese Government rejected European blackmail" by deciding to raise the minimum wage, with support and l & # 39; 39, encouragement from the left and with good results.

"Let's learn with the way: it was worth all the time we defend the country, despite Brussels" said Catarina Martins. "If the country now needs to rebuild its public services, why postpone a fiscal strategy" which takes these areas as seriously as the deficit targets, he asked

. the head of government said that "there is no fiscal consolidation without economic growth".

António Costa responded to the leader of the bloc, saying that the agreements between the parties on the left have been made. " Three years ago, the situation of our public debt was absolutely dramatic," recalls . "If you ask me if I agree with the Budget Treaty, I do not agree, I do not agree." "We have succeeded in demonstrating that the bet and the debt have agreed, and one day I wish to change it," .

The PCP shares its concerns for young people

The PCP summarized the "achievements" of the legislature, thanks to the In the case of labor legislation, for the head of the communist bank, Jerónimo de Sousa, the government acted against the interests of the workers.

At the end of his speech, Jerónimo de Sousa calls on the Prime Minister to "talk about young people" and the support that will be given to people who want to start a family and build a future.

"Young people want to work and live in their country, but whether they deny or precariate the future, what do they do with their lives?" asked [19659003] In response, the head of government declared that he shared the "balance clearly positive of these two and a half years". 19659002] "This is how we want to go.We want to keep going.We understand that there are conditions to continue traveling and with the company with which we traveled It is our position and our desire, " again stressed the Prime Minister, reinforcing the desire in the wake of the Geringonça that had been clear in his initial speech.


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