Bolsonaro questions slavery and dictatorship


  Bolsonaro questions slavery and the dictatorship

The right wing candidate for the presidency of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, June 18, 2018 in Sao Paulo – AFP / Archives

The extreme candidate Right Jair Bolsonaro, one of the favorites for the presidential elections in Brazil in October, questioned the need for racial equality policies and denied that the military who ruled Brazil from 1964 to 1985 was come to power by a coup d'etat.

Do we have blacks? I've never trime anyone in my life … The Negro is not better than me, and I'm not even better than the Negro, "said the MP during an interview Monday evening on the public television channel Cultura. [19659004] Bolsonaro said that when he came to power, he could propose a reduction of quotas for blacks in the universities, a policy implemented by the governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) and Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016).

"If you really went to see history, the Portuguese did not even walk on Africa. it was the blacks themselves who delivered the slaves, "he said during the long interview on Roda Viva.

The presidential candidate, reserve captain of the army, returns to express his nostalgia for years of dictatorship and argues that "there was no military coup in 1964", when President Joã o Goulart was deposed by the army. 06] "The shot is when you put your foot in the door and take the citizen over there … Who declared vacant the president's position at the time was Parliament." That was the rule in force, "he said.

In the past, Bolsonaro was widely criticized for congratulating Colonel Brilhante Ulstra, the executioner of the dictatorship. In the interview, he criticized the victims of the dictatorship.

"Those who said that they were tortured did so to obtain reparations, votes, piety, power." You only hear one side of the story, the other no, "he said." If we had lost, today Brazil would be a Cuba. "

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