Bolsonaro wins presidency as pediatric savior – International


The far-right deputy and captain of the Jair Messias Bolsonaro military reserve officially makes his presidential bid in Brazil Sunday, surrounded by a crowd of supporters in Rio de Janeiro, with research that smile him in the uncertain elections of October [1965-1900] His face frightens many Brazilians, but this nostalgic of the military dictatorship (1964-1985) was at the agreement of his Social Liberal Party (PSL) before more than 3,000 supporters who greeted him with cries of "myth, myth!"

"My candidacy is a mission, if I am here because I believe in you and if you are here because you believe in Brazil," said Bolsonaro at the beginning of his speech in a convention that is expected to last until 39. at late. 63, sat next to the lawyer Janana Paschoal, one of the driving forces behind the dismissal of Dilma Rousseff in 2016, and who must be his presidential candidate, following the refusal of two other candidates to accept this position.

"As this is our country, the Bolsonaro can make the difference, our hope because it's not involved in corruption, a whole person, sincere," said Gilmar Jasset , a driver of

The audience who attended this Sunday to see Bolsonaro in the convention was heterodox: evanglicos conservatives, middle-class people, police and army, residents common

Everyone sees this captain of the reserve as a savior, a "clean record" man capable of saving a country plunged into the political, economic and social crisis, and shaken by corruption scandals.

Cristiano Pereira, a resident of Baixada Fluminense, aged 32, believes that Brazil needs a man with a "firm hold" that allows – as promises Bolsonaro – the possession of weapons so that, if someone steals me, you will think twice because you can be armed. "

" We must make a change in our country and the only competent person, he is right, a person who defends the family, democracy, equality and cleanliness, "says Sueli Bonavita, 64 years old. 19659002] – Janana, vice-president? –

Meanwhile, Bolsonaro arrived confirmation of his candidacy after being denied at the last moment by two personalities that cogidova be his vice-president.

After much Uncertainty, Janana Paschoal, recently affiliated with the PSL and without political experience, must be his companion in the plate, but the academician says that they must

with a much more measured tone than in On other occasions, Janana said that she felt "honored" with the invitation and, although she assured that loyal to Brazil and Bolsonaro, said that the country But he wanted to remind the enthusiastic public that "we do not win an ection with one mind, and it does not govern itself with one mind. "

Without vice president of another party, Bolsonaro would only have

This could diminish the candidate's visibility, although this enemy of the traditional press and its so-called "false news" ensures that in the You are worried, because millions.

It is true that Bolsonaro has more votes today than any other candidate, with the exception of former president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, a prisoner for corruption in Brazil.

Bolsonaro, known for his racist, homosexual and homophobic statements, has reached the ceiling, even succeeding

But this was not enough to overcome the most unpredictable elements from the modern history of the country.

If Lula can not exceed 30% of voting intentions, Bolsonaro has never been able to reach 20% even in scenarios without the left leader.

In the second-round simulations, Bolsonaro defeated by all major candidates, according to the Datafolha

the Bolsonaro phenomenon keeps Brazil in suspense, after the experience of Donald Trump in the United States.

In fact, the American president "was" today in the event, since a supporter wearing a suit put a mask on his face and walked around among the audience, who l? Applauded.

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