Book tells the story of the Duke of Loule


The book "The Duke of Loulé – Chronicle of a Political Route (1804-1875)" is presented on August 7 at 19:00 at the Library Municipal Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, in Loulé.

This book, laureate of the Grémio Literário Prize 2017, is the first major study on the political course of the Brazilian Literature Prize

Filipe Folque de Mendóça, author of the book, is the guest of & # 39; 39, another "Open Books" session. first Duke of Loulé, one of the prominent figures of the Portuguese state of the second half of the nineteenth century, especially at the time of the regeneration, especially at the time when he was in charge of the presidency of the Council of Ministers (1856-1870)

The book starts from his biography, developing his antecedents, both personal and political, in order to frame the history and the mentality of his time, by addressing the historical and family circumstances that underlie his formation, both

The author Filipe Folque de Mendóça was born in Lisbon in 1967. He is a lecturer at the university. university. He holds a Ph.D. in Contemporary History from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra and a Master's degree in Art History and a Diploma in History of History. the Lusíada University

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