Brexit. Two-thirds of voters accuse British government talks with Brussels


More than two-thirds of British citizens surveyed for a study by Sky Data believe that Theresa May's government is making a bad deal with the European Union leaving the country of the European Union. The 78% of people who now have a negative opinion on the performance of the leader, against 10% who positively evaluate the problem, represent an increase of 23 percentage points compared to a similar survey conducted in March

. his own prime minister is the target of the disapproval of the majority. May receives a negative rating of 74% of citizens surveyed by Sky Data, an increase of 14 percentage points over the previous study. Only 24% of respondents say they are satisfied with the performance of the British leader, which means a drop of 17 percentage points compared to the results obtained in March.

The government's performance does not seem to be the only point in the whole Brexit process that British citizens are skeptical about. For two thirds, the negotiations will lead to a bad agreement with the European Union, an increase of 15 percentage points among those who look pessimistically towards the conclusion of discussions between the British authorities and Brussels. Most EU abandonment advocates also believe that the final agreement will be bad and only 14% have expressed the belief that Britain will be able to get a good deal case.

Four out of ten British citizens are now confident that Brexit will have a negative impact on their lives, while 18% think it will be indifferent and 31% anticipate positive effects. Most, however, believe that Brexit will be negative for the economy. The 51% who showed this belief represent a four percentage point increase over the March Sky Data study.

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