British government proposes free trade zone with EU after Brexit – International


British Prime Minister Theresa May presented her perspective on the future of the relationship she wants to have with the European Union, with a free trade zone with the United States. EU and a new customs model, ensuring that its ministers, very divided on Brexit, had reached a "common position".

This proposal was long awaited by the Europeans, tired of the British government's doubts about the content it wants in the negotiations on the separation of the EU, which should take place in less than nine months .

end of the free movement of people, was presented in the form of a statement after the marathon meeting of the executive at Checkers, the country residence of British prime ministers, 70 km north West of London.

"Our proposal aims to create a free trade zone between the UK and the EU with a set of common rules for industrial goods and agricultural products," said the conservative leader in a statement. . would be subject to "different rules".

"We have also reached an agreement on a new business-friendly model, with the freedom to enter into new trade agreements with the world."

According to the British Executive, these proposals will avoid a return to a physical boundary between Ireland and Northern Ireland

This subject was the main blockage of ongoing negotiations and a major concern for islanders.

In this project, Britain stresses the need to "step up" the preparatory work to address possible scenarios, in particular a possible exit from the EU without agreement with Brussels, which is feared by the companies.

Theresa May, to publish next week a white paper detailing the objectives, indicates that the proposal stems from a "common position" of government members, whose internal divisions have worried and dreaded the outcome of the meeting Checkers.

Upon its publication, the May project by Euroctic. "We now see Theresa May's true face, which is bad for the UK," said John Longworth, co-chair of the Leave Means Leave movement.

– "Step by Step" –

The European Union's reaction to the negotiations is underway

"The sooner we have a specific British proposal on the Irish border, the more opportunities we will have for to end the Brexit negotiations this year, "said European Council President Donald Tusk on Friday.

On Friday, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said "that he was ready to adapt his offer". who hoped that the White Paper would resolve "the internal political debate in the United Kingdom and the negotiations with us".

Faced with a risk of blockade, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the EU, raised Thursday the possibility of extending negotiations. On Friday, however, he stressed that this would require a unanimous agreement of the 27 EU members.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the European Commission, said: "We want to stick to the established timetable, we will proceed in stages."

The British proposal is also closely studied by the companies, which did not hide their discomfort this week. Tom Enders, managing director of the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus, was pessimistic after the talks: "This is not the limit," said Adam Marshall, managing director of the British Chambers of Commerce

. "Being tough, loose, light or clean, [o Brexit] causing damage to the aviation industry and others, and causing damage to the UK," he said.

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