Brussels rents "good example" of Portugal


S addressing reporters, during a visit to the European Union 's Emergency Response Coordination Center in Brussels, Carlos Martin Ruiz de Gordejuela confirmed the following: offers assistance to Greece by Portugal, which has already sent two amphibians to Sweden, explaining that the receipt of this document is pending approval by the Greek authorities.

"There are a number of countries that have responded, including Portugal, which has also contributed to the fires in Sweden." This is a great show of solidarity, and I think we can give an example of solidarity:

Carlos de Gordejuela explained that the management of the offers of assistance received through the European Protection Mechanism Civil, triggered by the European Union, Monday, by the Greek Government, it is to the national authorities of each Member State

"The situation is constantly evolving and they are responsible for the management of these offers d & # 39; This proves that we have been able to provide the appropriate response to what Greece is asking for. "

Community spokesman for humanitarian aid and civil protection said that fires Greece is a "changing situation".

"It was confirmed a few minutes ago that Greece has agreed to receive planes from Italy," he added.

The fire that devastated the suburbs of Athens killed at least 74 people, said fire spokesman Stavroula Maliri on Thursday, reviewing the previous toll of 60 casualties. Eduardo Cabrita, announced today that Portugal has made available 50 elements of the Special Fire Brigade (FEB) to help fight fires in Greece under the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

Carlos de Gordejuela praised the response The European Union in this summer campaign, regretting that it is not always possible, as was the case last year with the Portugal, to react quickly to activations and to stress the importance of completing the reform of this Community mechanism.

Following the 2017 forest fires in southern Europe, and especially in Portugal, where more than 100 people died, the European Commission made proposals – under negotiation with the Council ( Member States) – to strengthen the civil protection mechanism, in order to improve its capacity to respond to natural disasters such as fires.

"In November Commissioner [Christos] Stylianides presented this proposal, which consists of three pillars: strengthen the capacity of Member States, acquire European means and deepen the preparatory work and anticipating the time of the fires. "

Stressing that" European aid will always continue to be complementary to the responsibility of the Member States ", recalled that the proposal, that he described as "easily acceptable", must follow the normal legislative procedures until its entry into force.

"The European Commission has made its proposal, and the European Parliament, which they must adopt and implement", he concluded

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