Bulldog with difficulty breathing is saved by the flight crew


A French bulldog, named Darcy, was flying from Florida to Massachusetts in the United States last Thursday when she began to show some breathing difficulties, according to US websites. The tongue and gums became blue.

It was then that two flight attendants came to help with the oxygen mask. They also carried ice, according to the New York Post. "We are all affected by the change in cabin pressure and the fluctuation of oxygen: humans, dogs, cats."

"We are all affected by the evolution of cabin pressure and oxygen fluctuations: humans, dogs, cats But the fact that attendants are receptive and attentive to the situation may have saved their lives Darcy, "writes Michele Burt, in a letter sent to the airline and posted on Facebook

" I put the mask on her face and, in a few minutes, it has improved and n & # 39; wanted more, "he said. "I believe flight attendants Renaud and Diane have saved a life, some can reduce Darcy's life because she's a dog but not me."

According to the text of the owner, the crew "made a full recovery"

One of the commissioners, Renaud Fenster, told the program "Good Morning America" ​​of ABC that in 15 years of work "I had never seen anything like it."

"It was happening the cabin to check a passenger and noticed that another passenger, who was with the dog out of the box, was with the animal is not going very well … I believe it's fainted, "said Fenster

Darcy's run can pass respiratory problems. In a report released in March this year, the G1 gives advice on how to bail out pets in cases such as the French bulldog.

Michele Burt / Reproduction / Facebook


Commissioner Renaud Fenster with his dog Darcy, assisted in flight 19659009]

Source: https://g1.globo.com/olha-que-legal/ noticia /bulldog-with-differency-to-use-and-save-by-the-warning-of-the-who-with-the-support-of-amoving-of-oxigenium.ghtml

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