Cabeceiras de Basto: alleged assassin in the party has surrendered and is detained


The alleged perpetrator of the shooting that took today the victim of a man in Arco de Baúlhe, Cabeceiras de Basto, was handed over this afternoon to the authorities and detained in the premises of the judicial police of Braga. Braga told Lusa that the man, after the deadly shooting, fled the scene, having been detected in the afternoon and finally returned to the PJ.

The authorities explained the source, they detected the man, who was hidden

The homicide occurred at dawn today at the end of a party, after a disagreement between neighbors.

The alert was given at 06:43 and the victim is a 34-year-old man, whose death was declared on-site by the Emergency Medical Vehicle Team and Resuscitation (VMER) of Guimarães.

According to the Lusa agency, source of Braga Territorial Command of the GNR, the murder took place on Arco Street. at the end of the White Party, as a result of a disengagement "

" The suspect left the place and went to get the weapon " explained the GNR , then he returned and

The source of the PJ confirmed that the alleged perpetrator came from the same locality as the victim of the crime.

According to the source, the homicide then left the place in a vehicle, which was still located in the morning victim, Arco de Baúlhe

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