Caetano Veloso: "With this show, I give everything to my children"


On the verge of turning 76 (August 7), Caetano Veloso will perform at the Oporto Coliseum (July 30) and Lisbon (August 1 and 2) with his three children. An intimate show, whose alignment was chosen by the "mininos" and which includes themes like Leonão, Strange Force Joy, Alegria and in addition compositions by Moreno, Zeca and Tom. Offertory already presented in Brazil, France, Spain and Italy was published on CD and DVD. Here is a conversation with a father who only wants to talk about his children

Watch the video with some of the interview and read the rest of the answers

How was he to share the scene with your children?
For me, it was a delight! And for many people who look too. It is a very delicate show, very vulnerable, because we are only four. This show was my invention. It took me almost three years to convince them and find our agenda. When Tom and Moreno, who are music professionals, were released from their obligations, I spoke with Zeca. Zeca was free but did not want to – and took too long to want. When he wanted, I spoke to the other two again. At that time, we thought of calling our friends, musicians, to accompany us, but when we went to pass the songs, to remember, we saw that we could play them ourselves. Zeca, who did not play bass, decided to take a course from below to play at certain times of the show – and ended up being almost the band's bassist. So it has become a business in which we are the only four to touch everything. Moreno plays percussion, cello and guitar

Is this a kind of family reunion to which the public can attend?
É. 19659004 19459009 And how is Father Caetano on stage?
And who is Caetano's father on stage?
Same as I am at home, in places, traveling …

I feel that they have different personalities. What is the characteristic of each of them that Caetano highlights?
Moreno is 20 years older than Tom and 15 more than Zeca. In a certain way, everyone is from an era. Moreno has been working with music for 20 years and does very beautiful things, very refined. This is a boy who since his childhood is not only very intelligent but has a lot of mathematical intelligence. He studied physics, came to work at the Laboratory of Subatomic Particles of the University of Rio de Janeiro, but preferred to devote himself to music. He is very fancy but at the same time very wise about the things of real life. Zeca is a boy of great sensitivity and constant questioning of everything from an early age. You still want to understand and almost reach the unchallenged. Of all, it is the most demanding: the mix is ​​never good enough, the performance is never good enough … In fact, in the lyrics of his song that is a huge success in Brazil, All the Man He writes: "For me it is never good."

And Tom?
Tom loved football and did not even want to make music. But when he started, already older than the others, he was more talented. It's even easier than the three of us. This is a good team, because everyone has its features …

So it's a good team, because everyone has his features …
Yes, we are a good team I am the father and Moreno is 20 years older than the two brothers: we balance both. Moreno has a place of wisdom, which is something beyond intelligence.

Although Caetano is the oldest, the youngest music in the show is his … A funk, Alexandrine, written by herself.
Moreno always plays with me because of this song, which is not even a song … Tom likes funk. In fact, he is part of a progressive rock band, but as a spectator he is part of his football team who has heard pagodas since his childhood. In Brazil there is a dance that they call "passinho", that favela boys who dance funk do, very beautiful, and he knows how to do – or at least imitate. And as I really like to watch it, I invented a funk, anyway, making jokes with verses from Alexandria. Zeca says it's the song of "1,2,3,4" …

Had he spent so much time with his kids?
He was when they were little.

What is the greatest inheritance passed on to your children?
In fact, with this one, I invented this show to stay with my children as long as they were small. this issue of Offertory I deliver everything. I would like to spend what my mother has passed on – just like my dad. My father appears in the lyrics of a composition that I play in the show, Genipapo Absoluto, and Moreno talks about it a little

How would you summarize this legacy? My parents were like that.

In December, 50 years ago, Caetano was arrested and sent into exile. How do you see these 50 years of life today?
Well, there is a lot of suffering. I see with interest, because I have done a lot of things.

  From left to right: Tom, Zeca, Caetano and Moreno

From left to right: Tom, Zeca, Caetano and Moreno

From left to right: Tom, Zeca, Caetano and Moreno ” class=”js-lazy-picture” data-srcset=”// 240w, // 320w, // 480w, // 680w, // 768w, // 960w, // 1024w, // 1280w, // 1920w, // 2048w” data-sizes=”(min-width: 1280px) 680px, (min-width: 768px) 75vw, 100vw”/>


45 years old
Graduated in Physics, is a professional musician. He has two records recorded, Typewriter Music (2000), with group +2, and Good Thing (2014). He has composed for Roberta Sá, Adriana Calcanhotto and Gal Costa and has already played solo in Portugal. He composes with his father for the first time at the age of 9, An Afoxé song for the Bloc Ilé music that plays in this show.

26 years old
The only member of the Veloso family who had no connection with the music until now. Son of Paula Lavigne (as Tom), his first song, who sings in this show, All Man became a huge success in Brazil

21 years
Tom was born on the day of Tom Jobim's birthday, he is part of Donica, a progressive rock band whose official sponsor is Milton Nascimento. The band, of which Tom is a composer, has a recorded record, Continuity of Parks. Clarão played in the show, is his

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