Câmara de Santarém transfers 1 million euros to Parish Councils in new delegations of authority – O Ribatejo


The Santarém Municipal Council and the Parish Councils of the Municipality signed this Tuesday, July 3 at the City Hall, the Implementing Agreements and the Inter-Administrative Contracts which establish the municipal delegations of authority for the Communal Councils.

In these new documents, the same delegations of authority, of the past mandate, remain. However, the study on the distribution of funds has been updated, which now corresponds to annual municipal transfers to municipal councils of nearly € 1,155,000.00, resulting in an increase compared to what had been previously been transferred from about 24,000.00 €, which corresponds to an increase of about 2%.

Thus, the municipality transfers to the municipal councils approximately 613.234,55 € per year for the maintenance of the roads, 261.015,53 € for the repairs and the maintenance in the

L'etude The distribution of financial resources for the delegated powers was based on the Parish Funding Fund received by the Parishes of the Municipality, since it also takes into account several factors, such as the number of inhabitants, the type parish and its region.

It should be noted that municipal transfers are treated as government transfers, although there are fewer delegated authorities.

The municipal powers delegated in the parishes of the municipality are, by the agreement of execution, the management, the maintenance and the cleaning of the green spaces and the spaces, the repair of the street furniture , and minor repairs in preschool and elementary schools and the maintenance of their surrounding spaces, located in the areas of their respective parishes

With respect to the inter-administrative contract, he delegates municipal councils the maintenance of municipal roads, roads, roads, streets, sidewalks, berms and ditches, as well as the recruitment of auxiliary staff necessary for the basic education cycle and animation activities and family support in the infâ € ™ garden This delegation of skills demonstrates once again that for the Santarém City Council, it is of strategic importance as a favorite co-operation between the municipality and the parishes, for the quality of life of the population, especially those residing in the rural area of ​​the municipality, favoring the approximation of municipal management with the municipalities

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