Caravan of Sports and Arts will be at Feira de Santana on July 23rd, 24th and 25th – Acorda Cidade


Posted on 17/07/2018 1h36.

All this for an audience of 3,000 students from the municipal education network.

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Caravan of Sports and Arts will be at Feira de Santana 23, 24 and 25 July

Foto: Press Release / Secom Feira ">

Wake up to the city

Sports activities in the modalities of football, volleyball, basketball  Caravan of sport and arts will be in Feira de Santana on July 23rd, 24th and 25th

Photo: Press release / Secom Feira

slackline and martial arts, dance and even music and percussion. All this for an audience of 3,000 students from the municipal education network. This is what the Sports and Arts Caravan promises to take to Feira de Santana between July 23rd and 25th.

The initiative comes from the Instituto Esporte & Educação (IEE), the ESPN TV network, in partnership with Disney, an international entertainment company, the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, and has the support of the town hall and several municipal secretariats. During the three days, in the morning and afternoon, students will pass through the sports and artistic stations of the caravan, in the arena that will be erected at the gym.

During the three days, in the morning and afternoon shifts,

Representatives of the municipal departments of education, public services, social development, culture, Sport and Recreation, Military Police and Municipal Guard met on Tuesday 3 to discuss security, logistics and organization of physical space for the Caravan.

The event will also feature Disney's Tenda Cinema, with age-grouped movies. During the day, children's films will be screened and in the evening, the Feirense community and students of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) will have the opportunity to experience the "Cinema Caravana Nocturno" ", also with Disney movies,

In addition to activities for students, the Caravan will also promote, on the same days, the training of 90 teachers of the Municipal Network on the themes" Sport Education / Sport for All " and "Live with Art". "UNICEF SEAL Program", which will bring together representatives of the Fund, authorities, mobilizers and coordinators of municipalities in the surrounding region and Caravans.

"This will be an interesting mobilization for our students, since they will be in direct contact with the sport and the arts.This also stimulates the will and curiosity of children and adolescents," says Luscilla Lima, Division of Seduc's planning and instructional techniques "Teacher training is also very important to our network because it promotes knowledge that can be applied in the classroom over the long term," he says

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