In a statement, Li Keqiang pointed out that Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences Ltd. ("Changshun Life Sciences Ltd."), a leading manufacturer of rabies vaccines,, who is accused of falsifying production and inspection records, "violated a moral line", at a time when the authorities are struggling to restore public confidence in the security regulations.
In the same note, the official promised "
There were no reports of injuries caused by the rabies vaccine, but the outbreak caused a concert of protests, in especially after several scandals related to the sale of medicines and food, poor quality, whose consumption caused deaths among the Chinese population.
Chinese regulators announced last week Changsheng Life Sciences was forced to suspend its production and to collect vaccines against rabies.
Xinhua News Agency said investigators were testing the effectiveness of the vaccine and were planning to initiate criminal prosecution. Rabies is endemic in some regions of China
In October, the same company was ordered to stop the production of a combined vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, whose batch was judged
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