China Scandal in the vaccine industry triggers an investigation – World


N "Let's take away the illegal and criminal acts that put
the safety of life of people, punish offenders in accordance with the
with the law and criticize in a determined and severe manner the abandonment of duty in the
"Said Li Keqiang, who was in charge of the investigation of the incident, said Lil Keqiang.
On Sunday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called for severe punishment of those involved.

According to the Food and Drug Administration of China (CFDA), there is no evidence of damage caused by the vaccine.

The company was forced to stop production and collect rabies vaccines.However, the scandal has generated a huge wave of outrage in China.

After suspending the stock trading, Changsheng saw the stock price fall by 10% on Monday.

An official said that the company "makes product production and inspection records" and "changed the parameters and equipment of the process" During production The July 15, the State Drug Administration of China (SDA) announced that Changchun Changsheng allegedly falsified production data during the production of human rabies vaccine.

The Food and Drug Administration of China (CFDA) said the rabies vaccine had been collected and that the company would be the subject of an investigation.

A CFDA official told the Xinhua News Agency that all vaccine producers in China would be subject to inspections. In addition, any violation of laws and regulations would be treated seriously. The researchers are now testing the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Defective Combined Vaccine

Authorities in Jilin Province announced that a 2017 batch of the combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP) was also below standard.

The vaccine is subsidized by the government and is given to children throughout the country. It is unclear how many children have received the vaccine, but no cases of infection have been reported after inoculation.

The Chinese government has not revealed the impact of the vaccine on the health of a person. It is known that last year's vaccines would not harm the human body, but are below established standards.

More than 250,000 doses of DTaP in the batch have already been sold to disease control and prevention centers in eastern China, according to the China Public Television Network (CGTN).

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