Circus Cardinali announces the birth of a rare camel and leaves a message to the left parties – Observer


Circo Victor Hugo Cardinali announced this Monday the birth of a baby of the rare species of white camel. According to a circus statement, the animal was born at dawn on July 17 in the fifth businessman and tamer.

The beech – the name of the new member – learned to walk, suck and "did not surprise the human presence", announced the institution, which is still confident that the new camel "will undoubtedly be a star of the show" in a few years.

"These births are proof that our work is well done. It is regrettable that some of our politicians do not want to see and prefer to end the life of these animals without ever visiting them [19459005"SaysVictorHugoCardinaliJuniorsonofthefounderinthesamestatement

The text ends with a criticism of the left parties, because of various initiatives to ban the use of animals in the circus performances: "At a time when some left-wing parties, influenced by the animalist lobby, are attacking the circus with false claims that animal welfare does not exist in the Circus in Portugal, Circus Victor Hugo Cardinali opposes again and proves that it is possible for a circus to give the best conditions to its animals. "

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