Coast in Mozambique. In order to strengthen relationships (and perhaps evoke the father and talk about the case Sebastião Americo)


Four years after the last summit between Portugal and Mozambique, a Portuguese Prime Minister will land in Maputo for a new meeting at the highest level. António Costa has made a point of going to this country, the visit has been promised since the first state visit of President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Wednesday the head of government will go to Maputo [19659002ThesummititselfwilltakeplacebetweenJuly5and7andwillbethefirsttobeheldunderthechairmanshipofPhilipNyusiOntheagendaareeconomicandtraderelationsandaccordingtoanorderoftheofficialMozambicannewsagencyAIMthestrengtheningofpolitical-diplomaticrelations

From a personal point of view, António Costa will surely evoke his father

Suspension of international aid

According to the AIM, the third summit will take place in a crisis context in Mozambique, aggravated by the cut (IMF) and the group of 14 donors (G14), including Portugal, following the discovery of the hidden debts contracted by the companies Ematum (Tunamar), ProIndicus and MAM.

The IMF and the group of 14 donors suspended the transfer of funds in 2016 under the leadership of President Armando Guebuza. The former Mozambican president remains a strong element in the leadership of Frelimo, which is preparing to choose its candidate for the presidential and legislative elections next year, scheduled for October 15. It is no secret that Nyusi intends to seek a new term, so he will have to agree on party support, while accommodating policies to put end the suspension of IMF and G14 cuts. [19659002] To worsen the situation, Mozambique is currently in a troubled situation in the north of its territory due to attacks by Islamic groups, which the military and security forces have had difficulty preventing or arresting. The attacks could jeopardize the large investments planned in northern Mozambique, given the offshore exploitation of natural gas by large multinationals in the sector (Galp is also associated with the projects in a consortium with the Italian company ENI) [19659004] The abduction of American Sebastião

The Mozambican prosecutor's office again reopened the investigation into the abduction of the Portuguese businessman Américo Sebastião , disappeared in July 2016 Nhamapadza, in the province of Sofala, and on which there is no news since

The abduction of this businessman and the lack of will Mozambican up to # 39, now to receive the help of the Portuguese judicial and police authorities to clarify this problem, as well as the lack of results of the investigation, have complicated relations between the two countries. Costa's visit is expected to help clean up the climate, boosting relations between the two countries.

(In) disturbing the security

In March, the family of the businessman asked the Mozambican deputy to revoke the preparatory investigation of the proceedings against unknown persons, alleging that there is no "suspect or defendant identified". In particular, the family of American Sebastião asked that two people attending the kidnapping be found in a fuel pump in Nhamapaza and that a guard "mentioned as having been on duty at the airport. "time while three men,

In an interview with the agency, the wife of businessman, Salome Sebastião, said" place trust "in which the visit of the Portuguese citizen was carried out in a double cabin vehicle.

Several episodes involving Portuguese and recent attacks in northern Mozambique have placed security in Mozambique's current situation and Salome Sebastião hopes the issue will be discussed during this week's visit [19659002] Recalling the many measures taken – petitions sent to the Mozambican Parliament and to Philip Nyusi -, Salome Sebasti he said that "it is necessary that all the mechanisms be activated" and that "They are fully functioning, because almost two years after the disappearance, it did not happen."

In April, the Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities, José Luís Carneiro received assurances of Mozambican political cooperation to resolve the case of American Sebastião

"This political commitment to good cooperation is essential, "he said after a meeting with Mozambican Deputy Foreign Minister Manuela Lucas. The subject was also discussed during a meeting between José Luís Carneiro and the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Helena Kida, who also promised cooperation.

Ana Gomes explained the case of the disappearance of Americo Sebastião to Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who expressed his Concern, stressed that "the situation in Mozambique is complicated from the point of view of security".

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