Colium with nanoparticles can cure myopia without surgery


Studies show that overtime in front of the screens of computers and smartphones increase the cases of myopia and other vision problems in the world. However, researchers from the Bar-Ilan University of Tel Aviv developed eye drops with nanoparticles capable of treating eye problems without surgery or glasses.

According to a statement from the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials at the University, this technology, called Nano-Drops, modifies the refractive index of the cornea, allowing for the correction of cases Myopia, Farsightedness, Astigmatism and Presbyopia

To make corrections, the researchers use a laser the patient's cornea and then use eye drops to fix the changes. Unlike traditional laser surgery, the technology used is non-invasive and takes a few seconds.

"In the future, this technology will allow patients to see their vision corrected in the comfort of their homes. To do this, they will open an application on their smartphone to measure their vision, connect the laser source device to stamp the optical pattern in the desired correction, then apply the nano-drops to activate the pattern and provide the desired correction, "explains there. the article

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