Complex women are at the center of the plot of "sharp objects"


LOS ANGELES – In the era of Time 's Up the female representation in front of and behind the cameras is the claim of the time in Hollywood. The HBO mini-series Sharp Objects, released Sunday 8 at 10 pm, meets all the requirements: it is based on Cutting Objects the first book by writer Gillian Flynn, published in Brazil by Intrínseca, has a showrunner in Marti Noxon and a set of actresses in the lead roles.

Amy Adams, in her debut as a protagonist on television, makes journalist Camille, who returns to her hometown to report the disappearance of a girl. Patricia Clarkson plays Adora, Camille's mother, and the young Eliza Scanlen is Amma, the youngest. The relationship between the three is complicated, to say the least. "Women in general face a lot of anger," said Marti Noxon in an interview with the state in Los Angeles. "In this story, anger is important.We have these three generations of women and how they deal with their heavier feelings.This kind of crime and mystery story fills a certain void of women of the world because 39, he presents a solution. "

discovered Gillian Flynn at a school book fair. She saw the cover of Exemplary Girl and was intrigued. "I wanted to know who this writer was, so pervert." She then read two other books by the author, Dark Places and Cutting Objects . "Camille stayed with me." The producer wanted the rights immediately, but found that they were sold for a movie. "

Noxon persuaded rights-holder Jason Blum to invest in an eight-part mini-series:" I thought it was going to go away because female characters like that are not usually well developed in the movies. movies. The project has gained momentum, attracting HBO, Oscar-nominated Amy Adams, and director Jean-Marc Vallée ( and Big Little Lies 19659002] Adams admits that he has hesitated a bit, despite the quality of the material.It took eight hours for an alcoholic woman to mutilate herself to cope with the pain of the past.Return to the little Wind Gap, that's delving into the relationship at her mother and be introduced to her younger sister, who has a totally different way of dealing with the oppressive love of Adora. "With women, the violence is much more psychological than physical," said Adams. "Gillian does it very well, using a family to see the dark side and the consequences of violence across the generations."

For Patricia Clarkson, great women's stories often relate to women who have tremendously suffered and that is good. "We must not be heroines, or examples, we do not have to run countries. "That's what Flynn thought when he started writing his first book: complex female characters, hard to love, not necessarily heroic, that he did not see in the literature of the time. "My goal has always been to create women with a range of emotions, we are not just this or that." In 2006, it was difficult to find who invested.

Interview with Gillian Flynn:

Exemplary Girl, released in 2014, was a big hit at the movies. How was it to make a TV series?

There is more space on TV. I would like to come back and make Exemplary Girl as a TV series, taking the time and space to explore more characters and history.

Do you think you started fashion with Exemplary Girl?

drama with Rosamund Pike opened the door to more complicated characters. I think it's great. When I was trying to sell sharp objects, I heard many publishers that no one wanted to read that kind of book that women did not want to read about non-heroines women. I am proud to prove that women are smart enough to know that every book should not leave a good feeling.

Do you prefer stories about our dark side?

Absolutely. I would like that this is not the case. I wonder why sometimes I'm down. Then I look at things to see on Netflix, what I read … And I live in Chicago, in the middle of winter. I think: Look at something happy! but I do not want to. (N, f) = n (n) = n (n) = n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n .callMethod?
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