Contact us | Artificial intelligence beats human doctors in an image recognition contest


The system developed by the Center for Research on Artificial Intelligence for Neurological Disorders in Beijing has achieved a precision and recognition rate of 87% of 225 cases in 15 minutes. A team of 15 experienced doctors achieved a success rate of only 66%, advance Xinhua getting 2-0 after two rounds. The same result was achieved by the system in predicting the expansion of hematomas in the brain, reaching 83% accuracy compared to the 63% achieved by humans.

The preparation of the AI ​​system involved submission to tens of thousands of images of nervous systems and related diseases that the Tiantan Hospital had stored over the last ten years.

Wang Yongjun, executive vice president of the hospital where the system was developed, explains that he hopes that "with this competition, doctors can prove the power of AI. Especially those who are more skeptical, I hope that you can better understand AI and eliminate your fears, "says Xianhua.

Some of the participants in the challenge recognize the benefits of these technological solutions and the benefits of 39, have AI systems as a preliminary method of diagnosis and guidance.

A representative of the World Health Organization in China said that the Asian country, because of the Population size and high volume of affordable digital medical data, is a good choice for the development of AI in the medical field.

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