Contact us | The Environmental Fund gives 200 thousand euros for an environmental assessment project


Gavião will receive 200,000 euros from the Environmental Fund for a project to improve the environment and landscape. The municipality of Gavião will receive 200,000 euros from the Environmental Fund for an environmental and landscaping project called "Miradouro de Gavião", said the local mayor.

According to the mediotejo The project retained by the Environment Fund will allow the "environmental and landscape valuation of an absolutely degraded and ecologically unpleasant space", noting that the space to requalify, be in rural areas / urban, are on the periphery of the urban agglomeration and it was unsustainable to maintain it as an area for the disposal of troublesome waste. "

The request made by the municipality of Gavião was one of those approved with a value of 200 thousand euros.The work has already started and is in charge of the company Damião and Belo de Portalegre, José Pio advanced, and it was planned to complete the work on November 23, a municipal holiday in Gavião.

11. The selected projects are divided into three main areas: the management of water resources, the reduction of water pollution Heating in the cities and the recovery of destroyed homes by fire

signed Monday in Espaço Memória, in the Barreiro business park in the Setúbal district, in the presence of the minister of the. Environment, represent a total investment of 2.1 million euros, for a support of 1.6 million euros

Three of the selected projects will receive 200,000 euros each. </ P> <p> It is the case of the proposals of the municipalities of Gavião, in the district of e Portalegre, Viana do Castelo and Cascais (Lisbon).


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