Course with higher average does not escape to the court of employment offers. See the best lists


If entering the Aerospace Engineering Course of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) was already an achievement within the reach of a very restricted core of students (18.8 points from the last place in 2017), next year the competition for this course of the University of Lisbon, two years in addition to the requirement in terms of access, will be even more difficult. In 2018-2019, this integrated master will only have 80 seats, minus five that last year, not escaping the cut of 1066 places in Lisbon and Porto determined by the Ministry of the Interior. Higher Education, for the benefit of institutions outside the two main In the capital, this 5% discount compared to vacations opened last year also affects the three main universities: the University of Lisbon (ULisboa), the Nova de Lisboa and the ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute, as well as the Polytechnic School of Lisbon and the Lisbon School of Nursing. Only the hotel and tourism school of Estoril has a slightly lower break of 4.9%. The ULisboa, because it is the institution that takes the most places to compete, is the one that loses the most, with a total of 383 fewer seats

See official list comparing offers between 2017 and 2018 (pdf) [19659004Close

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In Invicta, the University of Porto also removed 5% of vacant positions, losing 208 places

Download the full list of vacancies of the first phase of the year. access to Superior (Excel file)

The reduction of five vacancies, to 65, during the nutritional sciences, at a time when this institution has just been considered the 12th best in the world in the field Food science and technology by the prestigious ranking of Shanghai, it is also an exceptional aspect. In the same city, the higher nursing school of Porto reduced by 4.8% of places and the Politecnico do Porto 4.3%

Medicine spared, the law loses dozens of places [19659006] With the exception of certain areas identified as strategic in these competitions, such as information and communication technologies and physics, where the order was at least to maintain the offer, the government left it to the discretion of the institutions to define the courses covered by the reduction of supply. And in the case of the universities and polytechnic schools of Lisbon and Porto, there was a unanimous choice: medicine does not lose a place, now exactly the same 1517 of the initial competitions of last year (to which four places would be added).

in other areas, the institutions concerned chose not to abolish or reduce the offer in any way, by distributing the reductions among the different formations. Including the right. In this route, between Lisbon and Porto, 35 places were removed compared to last year. In the case of the University of Lisbon, a significant portion of the offer was transferred to the post-employment scheme (86 seats), which had disappeared last year, the scheme of day keeping only "445 vacancies, that in 1965

The total number of vacancies again increases at the national level

The reductions in Lisbon and Porto aimed to discriminate positively institutions other areas of the country. And that is precisely what happened, with several universities and polytechnics registering significant gains in supply. The biggest beneficiary of the measure was the University of Évora, which attracted 1175 seats, an increase of 8% over last year. The Polytechnic School of Coimbra followed quickly, with 6.7% more places in the competition. Most other establishments grew by 5%, some opting for more moderate changes. This was the case of the University of Coimbra, which increased its offer by 2.1% for a total of 3257 places. The Polytechnic School of Santarém, with a 7.3% discount, was the only institution outside of Lisbon and Porto to cut job offers.

In the overall balance, the reduction of 1066 places in Lisbon and Porto was offset by an increase in the number of jobs in the city of Porto Alegre, with 1080 places in the rest from the country. As a result, the total number of vacancies in national competitions increased for the third year in a row to reach a total of 50,852 seats.

By subsystems, the Polytechnic Institutes gained 300 seats for a total of 22,714, accounting for 45% of the supply (one percentage point more than in 2017).

By Zones, Engenharia e Técnicas Afins – despite significant cuts to Lisbon and Porto, particularly in civil engineering – continue to dominate supply, even recording an increase of more than 200 , also thanks to offsets made to the increase in supply outside of Lisbon and Porto, the overall decline is insignificant, with 1851 places in supply, less than four years ago a year ago . In health, the effect of supply reduction in the nursing schools of Lisbon and Porto dictates a decrease of 30 places, to 6707.

It should be noted that, in addition to the national competitions, 708 places were created for

The first phase of application for higher education begins Wednesday, through the portal of the Directorate General of Higher Education, with the disclosure of results to occur on September 10th.

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