Court retains Moro in the proceedings of the Atibaia website and the Lula Institute


In a unanimous decision, the 8th Panel of the Regional Federal Court of the 4th Region (TRF4) found Federal Judge Sérgio Moro responsible for two cases against him. Lula's defense had suspiciously introduced requests for the dismissal of the magistrate from the Atibaia site and the Lula Institute.

For the former president's attorney, Moro would have become wary when he would have participated as president of the event. Lide Brazilian Investment Forum in New York in May this year. Lula's defense alleged that Moro's participation was an act of a political-electoral nature, since this event would have a connection with the politician and candidate for the governor of São Paulo João Dória and that in his speech the magistrate would have made reference to the prison of

According to the rapporteur, Federal Judge João Pedro Gebran Neto, there is a clear attempt to politicize solemnities that do not have this nature, and that the presence of politicians does not make it difficult for them political-partisan event. the participation of events with or without the presence of political agents does not tarnish the exemption of the judge, especially because they have a purely academic, informational or ceremonial, with the understanding that in such appearances, there is no specific standpoint "

Gebran also pointed out that any manifestation of Sérgio Moro in legal texts or conferences of this type concerning"

The Public Prosecutor's Office Federal Government (MPF) asserts that the former president was responsible for "structuring, guiding and directing an illegal regime" and through this structure "receive bribes for their own benefit consisting of works and improvements related to site of Atibaia, covered by companies Schahin, Odebrecht and OAS. "

According to the scheme described in the complaint, you transmit to José Carlos Bumlai, Fernando Bittar and Rogério Pimentel.

This appeal will be t "derived from fraudulent management crimes, fraudulent offers and bribery in connection with the award of contracts for the exploitation of the probe Schahin Vitoria 10,000 by Petrobras". The R $ 150,000 would have been used later in the reforms of the Atibaia site

The former president is accused of committing crimes of passive bribery and money laundering in the episodes relating to the land in Vila Clementino and an apartment in ABC Paulista.

Between 2010 and 2014, land in the southern area of ​​?? São Paulo in the amount of 12.4 million reais for the installation of the headquarters of his institute. The contractor would also have negotiated the purchase of an apartment in front of what the former president lives in São Bernardo do Campo, in Greater São Paulo. The property is valued at R $ 504 000.

According to the Federal Public Prosecutor, the properties were offered by the construction company to the PT as a kind of thanks for the retention of Renato Duque and Paulo Roberto Costa in the directories of Interest of Petrobras. Lula's defense denies that the former president committed the crimes with which he is accused.

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