Create Alert Sunday is World Brain Day. Doctors warn of the risk of stroke. Know the symptoms


On July 22 is celebrated World Brain Day and nothing is more right than to warn us to try to protect this priceless asset that we have. Stroke is the second most deadly disease in the world and one of the leading causes of functional disability. Its onset can leave sequelae in up to 70% of patients, but if properly treated, according to the care protocol indicated by the doctors, it can be mitigated.

Interventional neuroradiologist, Robertson Pacheco, list of the main symptoms of the disease and how

– Facial paralysis, with displacement of the mouth to the side of the brain where the stroke occurred

– Tingling or lack of strength on one side of the body

– Loss of communication and expression

– Loss of consciousness, fainting.

There are two types of stroke, ischemic and hemorrhagic. The first is the most common and involves the obstruction of a vein or artery that carries blood to the brain. Neurons, which are very high metabolism cells, due to the lack of oxygen and glucose brought in by the blood, start to die and, therefore, stop sending the stimuli to the body. With this, the patient starts an image with the symptoms listed above. According to Dr. Robertson Pacheco, when you meet an individual with such characteristics, it is important to call the EMS service to immediately refer you to a referral center for stroke care. "These hospitals are characterized by the presence of a wing dedicated to the care of these patients, as well as equipment for advanced imaging tests, such as tomography and resonance imaging. This procedure will show the team of doctors what situation the patient is in, "he explains.

The time has already been pivotal in the treatment of stroke, but today, thanks to advances in medicine, defines the success or not of stopping ischemia . Indeed, it is already possible to use two methods to unblock the vein or blocked artery: thrombolytic thrombectomy or mechanical. The first should be applied to the patient up to four and a half hours after the start of the installation, and aims to dissolve the clot. Thrombectomy can last up to eight hours because it reaches the exact location of the obstruction. "The time combined with an assertive analysis of the patient's clinical condition, a skilled team and a structure that allows for the immediate completion of procedures, is the key to increasing the chances of a good recovery."

But prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet, taking care of diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, in addition to exercising regularly and keeping tests up to date, are fundamental measures to prevent the development of the disease

About Robertson Alfredo Bodanese Pacheco

A medical graduate of the Federal University of Paraná in 1992, Robertson Alfredo Bodanese Pacheco specializes in Neurosurgery at the Department of Neurosurgery of Curitiba (now INC ) and was looking for more knowledge in the Paris area, where he studied his 2nd specialization, Interventional Neuroradiology, at Pitié Salpêtrière hospital, with Prof. Alfredo Casasco. For 18 years in this field, the doctor is currently head of the interventional neuroradiology department of the hospital of Rocio, in Campo Largo, in addition to attending other hospitals in Curitiba.

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