Create an Alert Iconic, Nelson Mandela completes 100 years. Watch five movies about the activist


The tribal prince who became a guerrilla. The guerrilla has become an activist. The activist who became a political prisoner. The political prisoner who became president. The president who gave the example. The example that has become myth. That's Nelson Mandela, who is now 100 years old.

Born July 18, 1918 in Mzevo (South Africa), in a family of tribal nobility, he could simply occupy a leading position in the tribe. But he rejected this idea. He went to Johannesburg, exchanging rural life for law school. He became a lawyer and became a leader in the nonviolent resistance of youth. But he also became a defendant in a lawsuit for treason. Outlaw then became the most famous prisoner in the world. He was arrested in 1962 – when the racist regime of the South African government, apartheid – was at the top – and in 1964 he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He spent more than 27 years at Robben Island near Cape Town. He ended up being released in February 1990, after negotiations finalized by then-president Frederik de Klerk – "the most serious and honest of the white rulers" with whom Mandela said he negotiated. Since then, Madiba has made a prodigious comeback: he has become the greatest symbol of the struggle for racial equality, has won a Nobel Prize (in 1993) and has been elected President of South Africa (In 1994). At the end of his tenure, he went into history for racial equality activism. This image was maintained even after his death in December 2013 at the age of 95.

Such a character could not be beaten without records in the movies. And they happened. Several documentaries have described him as Mandela: Son of Africa, Father of a Nation, 1996, who has been talking about Mandela's life since adolescence and was nominated for the Oscars. Or "will never lose hope", 1984, when the activist was still stuck with interviews with his daughter Zindzi and his wife, Winnie. Or Countdown to Freedom: Ten Days That Changed South Africa, 1994, The Days Before Nelson Mandela's Victory To The First Free Elections In South Africa.

There were also overproductions with Hollywood actors in the role of Mandela. Morgan Freeman played in the most famous of them, "Invictus", directed by Clint Eastwood, who brings Madiba and the South African Rugby World Cup campaign in South Africa. a country that bounces while hosting the competition. Freeman was nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor for the role – and Matt Damon, who plays in front of him, was nominated for Best Supporting Actor. The most recent is "Mandela: the path to freedom", with Idris Elba as an activist. & # 39; Mandela & # 39; (1987) The film was released in 2013 and is based on Mandela's autobiography.

Five films with Mandela ] Actor who plays Mandela: Danny Glover
(from the series 'Lethal Weapon')
Philip Saville's film tells the story of the years of his life. Mandela's political activism in the 40s and 50s until his sentencing to prison. This forced him to part with Winnie Mandela (Alfre Woodard, from "Portraits of a Reality"). Despite this, she has always fought for her freedom and has also become a political activist. & # 39; Mandela & De Klerk & # 39; (1997)
Actor who plays Mandela: Sidney Poitier

("Au Master with affection")

Directed by Joseph Sargent, the film was made for television. The scenario stems from the arrest of Mandela in 1964 until his release in 1990, thanks to a negotiation finalized by South African President Frederik De Klerk (Michael Caine, Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy). & # 39; Mandela: the fight for freedom & # 39; (2007)
Actor who plays the role of Mandela: Dennis (19459002)

(from the series & # 39; 24 Hours & # 39;)
The story of the Danish Billie August is based on the memories of the guardian James Gregory (Joseph Fiennes, of "Shakespeare Passionate"), a South African racist guard. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [10]
Actor playing Mandela: Morgan Freeman
(taken from "Almighty")
Mandela hated rugby, a sport of the white elite. But in 1995, in his first year as president of South Africa – which will host the World Cup – he realized the potential of the sport to unify the people. And he began to interact with the captain of the South African team Steven Pienaar (Matt Damon of the trilogy "Jason Bourne"). The film is from Clint Eastwood. Mandela: Idris Elba
(from the series & # 39; Luther & # 39;)

& quot; Mandela: the way to freedom & # 39;
Justin Chadwick's feature film is based on Mandela's autobiography – written in 1994 – and was published when the South African leader was already 95 years old and had serious health problems. He brings the whole course traced by the South African leader from his own point of view, from the village where he was born to the liberation, through the marriage with Winnie (Naomie Harris).

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