Decentralization "is not present and much less poisoned," says Secretary of State


The State Secretary for Local Government said Wednesday that the process of decentralization of municipalities "is not a poisoned gift" because it has been "concerted" in a transparent way with the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities ANMP).

"This government does not see this process of decentralization as present and much less poisoned, but rather as a sharing between the central administration and the local state administration, in order to ensure to improve the service to the population ". Miguel at the Lusa agency, in Lourinha, Lisbon district. The minister pointed out that this process of "poisoning has nothing for its transparency and for the good faith that has always existed in all negotiations."

The State Secretary for Local Communities reacted to the protest of the mayors of the Oporto agglomeration. of decentralization, on the sidelines of a press conference in the House of Lourinhã. Similarly, ANMP has already accepted the government's proposed law on local finances and already plans in 2019 "200 million euros more than this year for the municipal funds".

The President of the Council The Metropolitan of Porto (CMP) said today that the ANMP was acting "birrenta and hysterical" and felt "persecuted" just because some authorities disputed the data from the process of decentralization.

Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, also mayor of Vila Nova de Gaia, said that the 17 municipalities that make up the CMP have decided to start negotiations with the government and to dialogue with all, including with the government. ANMP, provided that the association stops tantrums and hysterics "and the ideas that you are" chased "just by telling you that the data is wrong. According to the mayor, none of the 17 municipalities of the metropolitan area of ​​Porto does not have the correct data, pointing out that this is happening across the country.

The mayor of Porto, the independent Rui Moreira, revealed last Saturday that he was going to take to the meeting of the l & # 3939; City council executive on November 24, a proposal to leave the ANMP municipality, deeming "unacceptable" the agreement reached with the Government on decentralization.According to the mayor, the question is "what seems to have been an agreement "- what? he says he knew "through the media" – between ANMP and the government, as part of the transfer of powers to local authorities, agreement

In a "letter of response", to which Lusa had access today The president of ANMP classed as "equivocal" the "perception" of the city and metropolises. and "evaluation" that Rui Moreira made on "understanding" with the government on decentralization.

Tuesday, and after a meeting of the ANMP Board of Directors, Manuel Machado said that this body is not allowed to "wrap in misunderstandings". ", following the position taken the previous days by the presidents of the Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia chambers on decentralization.

On Monday, the mayor of Gaia also criticized, in a letter, rdo on the decentralization between the government and the ANMP, considering that it takes municipalities for "local state maintenance services" and "may be a poisoned gift."

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