Decentralization. Manuel Machado warns that the association of municipalities is not under any pressure


The Board of Directors of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP) assured this Tuesday at a meeting in the hall of the City Hall of Elvas that "House of Commons of Local Democratic Power ", created 34 years ago, can not be influenced by anyone and serves all municipalities. "The message of Manuel Machado, president of the ANMP, comes in response to the critical advisers of the first package of the decentralization process, which was closed a week ago with Eduardo Cabrita, among whom are the presidents of the chambers of Gaia, Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, PS, of Famalicão, Paulo Cunha, of the PS, and the independent Rui Moreira, who will take the municipal approval to the proposal of the withdrawal of the port of the ANMP [19659002] The origin of the revolt of the mayors is an insufficient financial envelope agreed between the government and the ANMP, described as "ridiculous" by Rui Moreira and Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, as well as the weak power of local political decision , seen as a certificate of undermining municipalities, "reduced to the Directorates General of the Government" or ""

In a statement, the ANMP states that it analyzed the process of decentralization of powers in process and decided to e reiterate that all municipalities regardless of location Geographic density, population density or economic, political or other dynamics have equal constitutional dignity and this equality must be respected. With regard to the negotiated agreement with the government, the ANMP states that the agreement is related to the proposed decentralization law and local finance law proposal, which are to the examination of the Assembly of the Republic

. ANMP stresses that the areas in which there may be a transfer of powers to the municipalities are defined, with reference to the implementation of any decentralization of competences for sectoral legal decrees. "The framework law of decentralization itself warns this situation by stating that the transfer will accompany the human, financial and equity resources necessary and sufficient to exercise the skills transferred," the statement said.

ANMP stresses that it continues to work with Government the content of each of the sectoral decrees of the law, assuming the commitment "to strengthen the negotiations", so that they can be completed before the 15th of September. The passage of the testimony of negotiation to the ANMP, in absentia of the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto, where 40% of the Portuguese population resides, is another ground of complaint of the local authorities.

Regarding the proposed amendment to the local finance law, ANMP reminds that the agreement with the government is based on an increase in financial transfers to municipalities that will represent "200 million dollars". 39; euros extra "in 2019. The association led by the mayor has increased despite the criteria of allocation of funds by municipalities" by ANMP and accepted by the government ", will provide growth (revenues) between 5% to 10% in about 85% of municipalities, and between 2% and 5% in the rest.

A new redistribution of VAT revenues, "which will allow municipalities to allocate 7.5% of VAT levied on essential services such as communications, electricity, water and gas, as well as in coverage from 2020. ANM reminds that, at the beginning of negotiations, municipalities had to participate in 5% of these revenues, "while "It will now be 7.5%, in other words, 48 ​​million euros to 72 million euros. "

ANMP stresses, however, that" these additional revenues are not allocated to the process of decentralization of powers to municipalities, to this end, the Finance Bill places the Decentralization Financing Fund, which will be constituted by the amounts provided for in each sectoral decree. "L'Expresso tried to contact Manuel Machado, who sent clarifications to the statement issued after this morning's meeting.

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