Demarcy-Mota recovers the state of siege of Albert Camus for the Festival of Almada


Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota, the current director of the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, received the Nobel Prize for Literature for the first time since 1957, "

" When the theaters closed, I took beaten for its reopening as soon as possible, "noted the first director of the Comédie de Reims, in an allusion to the attacks against cafes, restaurants and the Parisian nightclub Bataclan in November 2015, which left 130 dead and more than 350 injured

. action in Spain, to denounce the complicity between the church and the tyrants of the world, the director of Portuguese descent has placed a contemporary and passionate couple who will be able to "overcome fear and ineptitude", resisting and "giving the example" to the remaining c

"Estado de Sítio" has a new representation Sunday, and both recitations also mark the 20 years of the Pact of friendship and cooperation between Lisbon and Paris.

To mark this anniversary, the Théâtre de La Ville organizes, on Saturday evening, in the space Cardin, the initiative "Paris-Lisbon Stories", a festive evening that will have a video link in real time with S. Luiz in Lisbon.

The eleventh day of the 35th Almada is also marked by the initiative "Melodramas de horror", in which the pianist Nuno Vieira de Almeida joins the actress Manuela Freitas, in a recital of German poetry translated by Yvette Centeno – the winner of this edition – João Barrento and José Ribeiro da Manuela de Freitas will read texts by Goethe, Gottfried August Bürger, Nikolaus Lenau, Erik Satie, Goethe and Adolf Von Pratobevera, while Nuno Vieira de Almeida will perform compositions by Lily.

In the room Fernando Lopes-Graça of the municipal auditorium Romeu Correia, zt, Satie, Wagner and Schubert. Pianist and actress resume the program in a new presentation on Sunday

"In the middle of the night", a show directed by Olga Roriz also rises today on the big stage of the D. António School da Costa, a creation in which the choreographer honors

Saturday, the public can still see, in Lisbon, the plays "Nothing of me" (Teatro de Politécnica), "Colonie pénitentiaire" (District Theater) and "Carmen "(Teatro da Trindade), which is repeated only on Sunday

A concert of Edison Otero & The Latin Jazz Collective, named after Antonio Arnedo, and" On air ", a street show ,

On Sunday, the 12th day of the Festival, the event features "Actress", text and staging of the French author Pascal Rambert, in the Garrett Room of the National Theater D Maria II, which repeats in the second

Twenty-four productions Nine of them are Portuguese and 15 foreign, 11 concer Free ts and four street performances fill this year's edition of the Almada Festival, which runs until 18, in different spaces of the city of Almada, in some rooms of Lisbon.

This edition has the possible programming, in the words of the director of the Festival and the Almada Theater Company (CTA), organizer of the event, in a year where the support of the Directorate General of Arts (DGArtes), which includes the money for the company and for the production of the Festival, has suffered "a 25% reduction of the total," he said.

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