denuclearization. Pyongyang says the American attitude "pitiful" – Observer


North Korea has described as "regrettable" the attitude of the United States during recent talks on the nuclear program. The statement was made by an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and contrary to the statements made by Mike Pompeo a few hours earlier, the BBC reads.

The US Secretary of State said that progress had been made over the past two days was in Pyongyang, however, a statement issued by the official KCNA news agency states that the United States is are opposed to the spirit of the summit because "unilaterally lobbied the country for it to abandon nuclear weapons."

The main objectives of the two-day meeting in Pyongyang with the "right arm" of North Korean leader Kim Yong-chol were to try to make concrete commitments to denuclearization ]. After the conversation between the two, Pompeo said that they discussed a timetable for disarmament, including the destruction of a missile test center.

These are complicated questions, but we have made progress on almost all the central questions. At times, we have made great progress, in others, there is still much work to be done, "he said shortly before North Korea criticizes his attitude.

Mike Pompeo and Kim Yong-chol met at a hotel in Korea to develop a detailed road map for the "complete denuclearization" of the peninsula. This goal was agreed at the Singapore summit on June 12 between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

On Friday, Pompeo was received to arrived in Pyongyang by Kim Yong-chol, who said it was the third visit to the country of the United States official, before starting a three-hour meeting with North Korean officials.

The US party leaves Pyongyang at the end of the day bound for Tokyo, where it will inform the Japanese and South Korean allies of the progress of the talks.

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