Depression during pregnancy can affect babies' mental health. It is in this sense that a study of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of King's College London in the UK, whose results are now published, points out.
According to the BBC, which advances the results of the studies, the researchers followed 106 pregnant women from the 25th week. Of these, 49 were diagnosed with depression and did not take medication to treat the disease. Scientists analyzed blood and saliva samples to see if women had clinical symptoms of depression, such as inflammation and increased production of cortisol – a hormone released in threatening or uncomfortable situations that helps fight stress.
Professor and one of the authors of the study, argues that the main message conveyed by the conduct of research is that women need to treat the disease and not try to hide that 39 they have depression during pregnancy. One in ten pregnant women suffers from depression, but the numbers may even be higher, given the social pressure to make pregnancy a state of grace and happiness.
There is pressure from society before pregnancy that should be a moment of happiness. One of the main findings of the study is that the gestation period of women with depression is shorter and that pregnant women are more likely to be pregnant. " with the disease had their children, on average, eight days before those who did not have the disease.
In addition, infants of mothers who suffered depression during pregnancy were more hyperactive, crying and producing more cortisol in circumstances in which other children react normally.The difference was noted in infants less than a week old
Research findings show that infants born to mothers who have suffered from depression during pregnancy are particularly sensitive to stress.A situation that would be normal for other infants can be difficult for these babies, who react by activating the stress response. " reports the teacher.
Two-month-old baby saliva samples were taken to measure cortisol levels and when they were 1 year old and received the first They took saliva samples to compare the hormone levels with the previous ones.
Babies of healthy mothers showed no change in cortisol levels when they received the hormone levels. ;injection. It was not stressful for them. But babies born to mothers with depression produced cortisol when they received the injection, which shows that this situation was stressful for them, but not for others. "[19659011] explains Professor Carmine Pariante [19659006Stressesofstresspresentinthewombofthewoman'sheartbarredtheplaceandpassintothechildbirththatinfluencesthesystemofthechild'sresponses"
The release of cortisol itself is not a bad thing, because it is l " one of the most common causes of stress, the body's response to stress, it gives energy to the muscles and increases brain concentration " explains Professor Carmine Pariante, one of the authors of the # 39; study.
The main concern with the increased sensitivity of babies to stressful situations is that they run a greater risk of developing psychological and depressive problems in the future, by dealing with everyday problems and situations. suffering, such as the loss of family members, academic and professional frustrations, making them more fragile for the environment than surrounds in the future.
The study shows that depression must be recognized and treated, not only for the mother, but also for the health of the baby, so that he is a child and a healthier adult. "
Carmine Pariante claims that studies that indicate that antidepressants may change the behavior of babies, but that the teacher notes that it is difficult to know for sure whether the effect is
The author of the study argues that non-drug treatments can also help fight the disease.
For more serious cases, antidepressants are indicated.But there are psychological treatments and nutritional interventions that can help, such as the omega 3 supplement for women with depression. "
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