Do you want to know how many years you have left? A drop of blood can tell you


What would you do if you knew how many years of life you have left? It is now possible to know the life expectancy that remains or even to treat a disease even before, thanks to a study conducted by scientists from Yale University, published in the scientific journal Biorxiv.

It is from a blood test that one can determine the life expectancy of any person. The result of the examination gives the biological age of the person, taking into account the functioning of the body and not the years that have elapsed since birth.

Two individuals may be chronologically aged 50, but one of them may have the same risk of dying of someone 55, while another may have the same risk of dying of a 45 year old person. The researchers showed that the results are based on "biological markers" such as the functioning of organs, genes and proteins, but not only the parameters analyzed, 42 aspects were studied. from the blood sample to achieve this test, including the number of white blood cells, glucose level and albumin, a protein that helps maintain blood fluids.

The study tested more than 11,000 people for a period of 12 and a half years, and during that time about 800 died.

Blood tests and follow-up that they did to people, the researchers were able to check when people could It was also possible to calculate the life expectancy and the mortality rate for each group biological age ".

Biological age was close to 90% of accuracy in estimating whether a person would live another 10 years or more. not. But it is important to note that this calculation only concerns causes of death related to aging (occurrence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, for example). Obviously, they were not considered accidental deaths, suicides and homicides. "

Research has shown that the increase of one year of biological age can increase mortality by about 9% the increase is one year in the age group of young adults (20-39 years) and increases by 14% in all age groups.

(40-64 years), mortality risk increases by 10% and in the elderly 8%.

Scientists also analyzed the impact of biological age on the expectation of life expectancy of 65-year-old women classified as healthy – being biologically equivalent to chronological age – was 87. Women of the same age are classified as having an advanced biological age – higher than their identity card – shows an average life expectancy of 78 years [19659002] In the case of men, healthy people have a life expectancy of 84 years while those whose biological age is more advanced than chronological age until the age of 76.

The biological age is a better indicator of life expectancy than chronological age. Currently, the average life expectancy of a 65-year-old man in the United States is 84.3 years. But with this new methodology, we can calculate a more personalized average life expectancy, based on both chronological age and biological age, "says Morgan Levine


The advantage of this type of examination, according to Levine, is that, in the case of patients with a high risk of death, identify the biological age of young people who are not confronted with health problems at the time of testing.

The most effective treatments for chronic diseases should start as soon as possible, preferably when the person is still young. our research proposes a method capable of indicating the need for treatments and their effectiveness even in clinically healthy young people. MOBILE " said the scientist at BBC .

And beyond that, the examination can also identify people at risk of developing chronic diseases.

With respect to the abuse that this review could have for the health insurance industry, Levine clarified that since the review can not predict the onset of A specific disease, which then can not enter the insurance calculations and health contracts

I do not believe that the test is used by the health industry because the test does not can not specify the disease (it does not predict the risk that a person develops an illness or another specifically). Obesity, for example, has great health consequences, but it is not used to calculate the rate of health insurance or to refuse a contract " for example

The researcher also hopes that the opposite will happen, that people use the reviews to ask for discounts on health insurance, since people will be able to demonstrate that they are more "young" than what the date of birth indicates.

Having a good biological age (less than chronological age)) can be a way to save money, just as the "good" drivers who benefit from "discounts" on automobile insurance contracts he added.

And these "discounts" can still encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Early aging of the body is associated with lack of exercise, poor nutrition, smoking and poor education. In the United States, people are "penalized" by insurers for this. The biological age can be a way for people who have a healthy lifestyle to show that they deserve a discount. " says

The new blood test is not yet intended for use in clinics and hospitals

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