Doctors Job vacancies are higher than the number of new graduates – Observer


The Ministry of Health has decided to open more spaces for new doctors than professionals who have completed the specialty this year, in an attempt to recruit clinicians who have not participated in any of the medical clinics. 39, other years and are private or abroad. The deputy health minister points out that the call for tenders opened this Thursday for 1,234 new doctors represents "the greatest opening [de vagas] in recent years" and rejects that there have been any Delays in this contest, even though he was the "second fastest" of the Service

In statements to reporters regarding dispatches published with the opening of a competition for new doctors, Fernando Araújo pointed out that out of the 1,234 vacancies, there are 378 for general and family doctors, which will allow another 500,000

The official also recalled that it is one of the The number of vacancies is 10% to 15% higher than the number of professionals who completed the school this year. The official assumes that the goal is to "recruit doctors who are not part of the NHS," that it is about doctors who did not compete last year. or other years, or who are abroad or in private

. At the opening of the contest, Fernando Araújo rejected the critics, saying that this contest "was the second fastest of the SNS". According to Ministry data, the fastest was in 2016. However, last year, the contest took about 10 months to open and the structures representing doctors feared that the scenario would be repeated this year . While recognizing that the deadline for the opening of tenders can be improved, the Secretary of State estimates that these 1,234 doctors could be placed in hospitals and health centers at the end of September, while the doctors were in place at the end of the year. 19659002] A diploma was also published this Thursday in the Diário da República which establishes the health units of areas considered private for which doctors can be applied, which will have additional financial incentives and also career incentives.

Contests for new specialists, hospitals in the Algarve, Évora, Coimbra and Lisbon Central Hospital are those who are allowed to hire more doctors. For the Central Lisbon Hospital Center, which includes S. José and Alfredo da Costa, where the team leaders were dismissed for 15 days, 54 vacancies are attributed to the new doctors who completed the specialty there are three month. For the Hospital and University Center of Coimbra are allowed to open 47 places in the competition for new doctors. In the Hospital and University Center of the Algarve there are vacancies for 41 new specialists, being defined the same number of vacancies for the hospital of Espirito Santo de Évora. In all, the government authorizes the opening of a competition for 856 physicians of various hospital specialties, including 17 for the field of public health.

The document authorizing the opening of vacancies for 378 new general and family medicine specialists to occupy places in health centers and family health units

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